Ethiopia Report – July 2012
Many people have agreed that the secret behind the continuation of the movement of Jesus is the right strategy he used. He called the disciples, taught, equipped & empowered them so that they wouldbe able to do what God has called them to do. Paul also used the same principle that was selecting the faithful believers and taught them the sound teachings of scriptures so that they will also be able to teach others. (2Tim 2: 2)
We, as Unite 4 Africa team here in Ethiopia, have been also using the same principle that was used by Jesus and the apostles. The harvest in our area is so reap and plenty and can’t be completed by few people only. That’s why we commit ourselves to train lay people as much as we can and send them to the harvest.
In the month of June we have conducted various trainings in our region. But, because of time and space I would like to share only two training events with you.
One was held in town called Asebeteferi and the other one was in Amaressa.
1. Leadership and Bridges training in Assebeteferi
Assebeteferi is the capital town of the Western Hararge zone. This zone consists of 16 districts and nearly 2million people reside. 98% of the people in this zone are Muslims.
We have conducted leadership and bridges training in this strategic region from 19th to 22th of June/ 2012. The focus of the leadership training was to motivate them to become visionary leaders for their own community. And the focus of the bridges training was to show them how it is important to plant a church which is very contextual to the community they are serving.
132 leaders from 16 districts participated in the training. Most of them are from Muslim background.
2. Outreach and Gospel Campaign in Amaressa
The town Amaressa is found in Harari Region. 97.9% of the population in the Region is Muslim. We conducted a gospel campaign from 27th to 29th of June/2012. 22 people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviorand13 of them came from Muslim family.
Fatima is one of the new converts on that campaign. She is 24 years old and lives with her Mom. She came from the Muslim family. I experienced God and the love of Jesus has touched my heart while I was listening the Word of God and have decided to accept Jesus as my personal savior said Fatima after her conversion. But, she is scared because her uncle and older brothers are extreme Muslims and do not like her to be a Christian. So, she asked us a prayer request may God strengthen her in her faith in Christ.
God is always faithful to His words and promises. He has opened the door of salvation for Muslims in our country. I think this is a huge opportunity for us. So, we need to work together in our God – given time. I would also like to say thank all of you for your prayer and Support. Here under is our prayer request from our country Ethiopia.
- Pray for the upcoming two training events that will be held in Jinka and Assosa areas in this month.
- Pray for Fatima to be stand firm in her faith through all this challenges and hardships.
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