Kenya Updates – January 2022
Amazingly, it’s that time; it is that time of the year that many of us start making resolutions to change a certain area, or areas of our lives. What we all have in common is the hope that life will be different and better in the New Year. What I know is, Christ was born. He died. And He most definitely did rise again. That means this year, this month; today or this moment is filled with HOPE for a better future – in HIM.
We planted a new Church in this community two years ago and one of their greatest needs was water for both human and animals. Children carry water to school in small containers because there are no water sources nearby. Women walk long hours to fetch water. We thank God in 2021 December, He provided water for this community, even as the church still worships under a tree. Please pray that will have a shelter and a good place t worship.
Fig. 1, 2, 3 Oloilelai borehole drilling. Dr. Okongo and Rev. Moses test the water at the borehole site.
In 2020, Unite 4 Africa team visited this school when giving Goats to orphans in this community. We noticed that the school did not have water for children to drink. We promised them that we would pray and seek God for the provision of the tank. We thank God for the provision through Unite 4 Africa, as this will help the school to harvest rain water when it rains, hence they will have water for a certain period of the year.
Fig. 4, 5, 6. Enkanasa primary school students and teachers receive the tank from Dr. Okongo and Shyla Samson
Many pastors in Maasai land walk long distances to minister to local churches. Many times when it rains, the cant make to church. They can’t do evangelism well for being far from church. Unite 4 Africa comes alongside these pastors to empower them with motorbikes as away of empowering them to do ministry in local communities.
Fig 7, 8 Dr. Okongo handing over the motorbikes to Pastor Wilson and John Koisasi
• Please thank God for the rains in in few places
• Please pray for the new churches as we seek to get local pastors who commit to minister
• Pray for protection as Covid19 continues to ravage communities
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