Transforming Communities through:
Discipleship & Mentoring
Sharing Christ with the unreached through evangelism and discipleship is at the heart of everything we do. We train church leaders to do effective outreach and discipleship through training programs including Disciple Making Movement (DMM), Oral Storytelling methods focused on non-literates and Discovery Bible Studies.
Community Health Empowerment (CHE)
CHE is a Christ-centered educational program that equips local communities to identify issues and mobilize resources to achieve positive, sustainable change. We integrate evangelism and discipleship with community health and development initiatives that include orphans care and support, clean water projects, disease prevention and treatment, church planting and poverty alleviation through micro-enterprises. The Gospel becomes clear, relevant and compelling to the whole person. Hearts are transformed as people come to Christ and work together to address local needs.
In any given community we work in the approach to sustainable development might vary, depending on the needs and input from community members. Varied strategies we employ include those that are community-based, church initiated, family-based, school education -based, or mobile clinic-based.
Prayer movement and networking
We are mobilizing prayer networks around the world in order to have an ongoing corporate prayer movement that continues to bring lasting, transformational change to Africa and the rest of the world.
Expanding the Body of Christ
Unite 4 Africa supports local workers to achieve the goal of spreading the good news of the Gospel to unreached people groups by equipping and sending local missionaries and church planters into the field.
Our focus on local workers eliminates the need of cross-cultural training and reduces financial and logistic expenses at all levels. It also builds trust, self-reliance, and integration of God’s people in the building of the Kingdom of God. In addition, it eliminates the assumption that Christian faith is something imported from foreign people outside their reach.
When the body of Christ comes together and catches the vision God inspires in them, they take ownership of that vision by multiplying and expanding it to other regions.