Leadership Development & Training
Unite 4 Africa offers different levels of training, seminars and workshops for local leaders and church leaders of various backgrounds to teach them how to develop positive, culturally relevant approaches to:
Discipleship & Mentoring
Sharing Christ with the unreached through evangelism and discipleship is at the heart of everything we do. We train church leaders to do effective outreach and discipleship through training programs including Disciple Making Movement (DMM), It’s All About Relationship (IAAR), oral communication methods focused on non-literates, and Discovery Bible Studies.
Family Matters, Women Cycle of Life and Being a Life Giver
Micro-Enterprise Business Development
These training sessions empower the people to address the issues of their own families and communities. To begin creatively leveraging the resources God has provided them and putting those resources to use. This proven method empowers people, enabling them to rise above grinding poverty without receiving handouts. By implementing Community Health Empowerment Programs (CHE), and various training programs such as DMM (Disciple Making Movement), Oral Storytelling, leaders are trained to communicate the Gospel and strategies that bring about transformation and empowerment.