Kenya Update – November 2016
The continuous bridges training was done in Magongo and Mtwapa, Mombasa area at the Kenyan coast. This is predominantly Muslim area. We did three trainings, Magongo 26, Mtwapa 15 and Mtwapa 14 making a total of 55 pastors and church leaders. The two trainings in Mtwapa, were done by pastors who have recently been trained so many are learning to equip others.
Participants display their certificates after the training.
Through friends of Unite 4 Africa, the Matapato Baptist association, are renovating the Bible school to enable pastors and church leaders to be equipped with the knowledge of scripture. This will be a source of knowledge to develop pastors who will in turn empower their congregations both in Kenya and Tanzania Maasai communities. We are praying and hoping for bible school to reopen early 2017.
Fixing of the fence and gates for the Matapato Bible School.
Sanitary towels for Girls
Unite 4 Africa has impacted many girls in Africa by helping provide sanitary for girls. Many girls in rural Africa miss school once every month when they are their monthly days. Many parents do not understand about sanitary, so Unite 4 Africa has provided education on use for the health of the girl and supported many schools in rural areas. This has seen a big improvement on the girls as they now compete with boys and rank top in class which never use to happen.
Enoosampurrmpurr primary school girls receiving sanitary.
Unite 4 Africa has been involved in helping the transformation of many young children education in Africa. Unite 4 Africa has helped provide education materials, textbooks, desks and provision of food to help keep needy children in school. Many children go without a meal and it is provided in school, many children will go to school.
Karero primary school receiving Textbooks.
Maize, Beans and cooking oil, U4A provided to Noosikitok primary School.
School children help place maize and beans in palates at Noosikitok.
1. Pray for the rains in Kenya and African countries. Draught has been long and many animals are dying and many farms dried. In many parts relief food is being given to many affected by draught.
Animal dying and farms dried due to lack of rains.
2. Pray for House of Hope clinic need for water tank at the school.
3. Pray for House of Hope clinic need for Ultra sound equipment.
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