Ghana Updates – January 2022
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)
Jesus will forever be the hope for a world that has continued to experience hopelessness. Indeed, it is a great privilege and unmerited love to have God give Christ to humanity.
Inauguration of SLM Board
Samson was elected secretary to the board of the Source of Light Northern Ghana chapter. Source of Light is into discipleship and assisting Churches to be able to minister appropriately to children and youth with the Gospel.
Radio Broadcast
The weekly radio broadcast has continued to grow and enjoy wider listenership across communities in Northern Ghana. An elderly recently met with Samson and said “I am glad that I am able to meet with you every week” and someone asked where the meeting normally takes place and he said “on the Radio. I encourage everyone especially, the youth to make time to tune to this wonderful broadcast. You will surely be blessed if you do so”
Children at Christmas
Children of the Kukuo community and its surroundings had a wonderful time listening to the Christmas story from their colleague children. After listening to the Christmas story a few memory verses were recited by some of the Christian children to the others including those stepping into a church building for the first time.
Support to Widows
During the Christmas season instead celebrating with joy some families as a result of lack often become sad that there is nothing at home to celebrate. Some widows in the Church had the opportunity to receive a token for them to have a refreshing time with their children at such a special season as Christmas.
Prayer Needs
• Pray for the communities with engaged with the love of Christ during the Christmas season that the Gospel will become alive in their hearts for them to say yes to Christ.
• Pray there shall be open door for the presentation of the Gospel to many in the New Year.
• Keep thanking God for the Seed of Hope Radio Broadcast that many will come to the saving knowledge of Christ and that those who are already in Christ will be built up to maturity.
• Pray that the ongoing Church planting and discipleship training will continue to yield the needed results..
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