Ethiopia Update – December 2016
Church leaders Training and consultation in Nazareth, Ethiopia
We had a wonderful training and equipping time with Ten plus church leaders who represented pastors, planters and missionaries from Various towns and villages participated in a two day intensive dialogical, Scripture centered fellowship and training session in regards to the church that Jesus is building and contrasting the church as contemporary culture tries to build.
The leaders were highly participatory as the Holy Spirit informed their understanding of church in a new, powerful and inspiring way. And also, they shared how they grew in the Lord as well as their passion and desire to represent the church that Jesus is building according to Scripture alone.
After prayerful reflection, each participant articulated an action plan to stop pursuing church as described by culture and begin/continue to become and multiply the church that Jesus was building. This was a very spiritually and emotional time of refreshing and renewing. God was glorified and his church was blessed greatly.
Church Leaders training & consultation
The work of rebuilding of walls and class rooms that had been affected by flood continues in Wonjishowa.
As I have shared with you few months ago, extensive damage was done in the community and to the school in Wonjishawa. The damage includes damage to five classrooms, the wall around the school collapsed in places, 17 computers and other electrical items were destroyed, all the grade one through grade six books were destroyed, as well as other damage.
But, God is faithful and now we are able to rebuild the wall around the school. But, still a lot of work to be done like purchasing new textbooks, computers and other electrical items and rebuilding classrooms. We are trusting God that He is able to provide for all the needs.
Rebuilding the wall of the school in Wonjishawa
In my conclusion I would like to ask you to thank God and pray for us in the following areas: –
- Thank God because the Political situation in Ethiopia is getting better and everything is coming to the normal situation.
- Pray for all projects and programs that we are running to transform our people especially for our Bible school and Wonjishowa School and may God would meet the needs of those projects.
Samson W/mariam/Pst./
Vice President & Director of Unite 4 Africa, Ethiopia