Ethiopa Update – May 2014
Ethiopa Update – May 2014 – Samson Weldemariam – Country Director
“… When the Holy Spirit comes up on you, you will receive power…” (Acts 1:8)
The Holy Spirit is the greatest power we have while on this planet. There is no power on this earth that transforms the hearts of the people except the Holy Spirit. We have seen Him changing the lives of many people through the Word of God. What an honor and privilege for me to share with you and testify to His work that He has done in our midst.
I take this opportunity to thank the Holy Spirit for His wonderful and amazing work and for being a faithful comforter when we pass through hard times. Yes, the Spirit is really an amazing comforter indeed!
I. Discipleship training held in Nazareth.
We have conducted the discipleship training in Nazareth in collaboration with one of our partners. The aim of the training was to create awareness among our leaders that discipleship is key to transform lives. Changing lives is not a one-time event; it requires process and it takes time. In this process the leader of the church himself must be a disciple and also he has to make disciples.
30 leaders from every region attended this training and started a discipleship movement in their respective churches and regions.
Participants of discipleship Training in Nazareth
II. Annual meeting of Emmanuel United Church leaders.
We had a wonderful time at the annual meeting last month in Addis Ababa, the Capital of Ethiopia. More than a hundred of Emmanuel leaders came from all over the country and did a consultation, prayer and sharing the word of God with each other. We heard lots of amazing reports from each leader. We really thank God for what He has been doing in this country.
Emmanuel church Leaders gathering.
III. Unite 4 Africa team visit in Ethiopia
A Unite 4 Africa mission team came to Ethiopia and did a very good job. The team visited the village churches & individual homes, encouraged our ministers and prayed for them.
Our church members and our local leaders were very happy by the team. We thank God for this wonderful unity and partnership He has given us regardless of distance, color, race and even denomination.
Unite 4 Africa mission team
In my conclusion, I take this opportunity to thank God for His love, mercy and His calling to work with Him in the work of His kingdom. It’s not us; it’s all about Him. We are humble before Him as His servants. I would also like to thank all my team and Unite 4 Africa mission team for their effort and noble decision to get involved in His mission together with us. God bless you all abundantly!
I have the same prayer request lists that I forwarded to you last month. So, pray for us in the following areas:-
➢ Pray for our KG school in Welenchity: may God provide all that is needed to be able to complete the additional classrooms.
➢ Pray for us: may God help us to train more workers for the harvest.
➢ Pray for our orphans: may God use our goat project to transform their lives.
➢ Pray for God’s protection for our grass root church planters. Almost all of them are serving God in High-risk areas in Muslim communities.
Samson W/mariam/Pst./
Unite 4 Africa, In Ethiopia, country director