Kenya Update-December 2018
Medical Outreach – Mailtisa
During the month of November, we were blessed to partner with Alhuda Children Orphanage and Taiba medical Center with the objective to bring a health care service not available with the local Maasai community. Minor surgery to remove minor tumors and dental, circumcision among many small ailments treated. The total number of beneficiaries who received consultation and treatment were 340. General outpatient 201, Dental cases 105, circumcisions 17 and Minor tumors surgeries 17. We thank God for this was successful and pray we get opportunities like this often as many of the local people cannot afford such kind of service at the big hospitals. We thank Unite 4 Africa for supporting this successful medical outreach.
Group of doctors and Nurses who participated in the medical outreach
Doctors performing minor surgery to remove tumors
Some of the minor tumors removed by minor surgery. Community came in big numbers that one day was not enough and many had to be turned back.
New Church Plant – Olchorro Oiborr
We thank God again for His grace, that we had opportunity to do evangelism at Olchorro Oiborr and many gave their lives to Christ and were converted. We got one family give us a place to start worship and use it as a church under a tree. Please pray that God may water with His Spirit for this Church to grow. Please pray that God provide someone from this community to pastor and take care of this flock. Meanwhile pray for pastors who travel over 30km every Sunday to minister to this church, that God may provide for their commuting.
Olchorro Oiborr New Church under tree when we opened it
Church Leaders, Women and Children Training – Mailtisa
We were blessed again during the month of November to partner with Spear Africa, a Christian ministry in Kenya for the training of Church leaders, women and children. Pastor Bramuel brought a big team from the US who trained different groups. Pastor Bob Sjogren trained pastors on “who receives the glory” when we preach or teach our congregations. They trained about the family and for the first time in their lives Maasai pastors served women with lunch, each taking a plate to his wife.
Pastors and Church Leaders training at Esukuta Baptist Church, Mailtisa
Maasai pastors walking to serve women with lunch. This is a first one for Maasai men to serve women. Glory to God alone
Rev Okongo and Shyla Visit Kenya
It was a blessing to host Rev Okongo Samson who is the president of Unite 4 Africa Inc, with his wife Shyla. They visited different Maasai communities and churches and ministered to many. Many were blessed and encouraged by them as they interacted with young and old and Church leaders here in Maasai. They prayed and encouraged Maasai women and Shyla brought dresses for girls and many young ones were excited to wear.
Rev Okongo and his Wife Shyla community visit
Shyla Samson with Maasai women. These women come together, put their resources together and help one another. These women do what they call table banking where they each bring small money to the table and they one of them and save little for the group
Dresses For Girls
Shyla Samson brought new dresses for girls. It was an exciting moment for many young girls who received new dresses. Dress a Girl Around the World, through Unite 4 Africa donated the dresses for girls from poor and needy families around the world. We thank God for the opportunity that the Maasai girls also got the dresses
Young girls receiving new dresses from Shyla Samson
Prayer Requests:
This year has been a wonderful year of ministry to the unreached. We did evangelism and planted many new churches. We have witnessed over 2000 confess and converted to Christ. This brought a huge challenge of ministering to these new church plants and local pastors and leaders have travel long distance to minister every Sunday in the new churches.
It is because of this that we pray and ask to stand with these grass root local pastors who strain and may times walk long distance to minister to those new churches.
Unite 4 Africa has previously together with friends supported some leaders with motorbikes, who are now doing well in ministry and even using those bikes as income generating for families during the week which help to support their families as well.
One motorbike in Nairobi, Kenya will cost 115,000 now. That is US$1150
These are the two Motorbikes Unite 4 Africa together with friends helped us purchase last year 2017
May the Lord bless you as you pray with Us.
- Please pray House Hope Clinic need for completing construction
- Church structures for new planted churches worshiping under trees
- Evangelistic and outreaches meeting for the House of Hope choir in December 2018
- Pray for grass root leaders need for motorbikes to reach new churches
Moses Rianto,
Mission Outreach Director
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