Kenya Update-April 2018
Nyabikemo Village-Evangelism
During the month of March 2018, Rev Charles Okech who is one of Unite 4 Africa ministry in Kenya took the gospel and life skills to his village, Nyabikemo in Migori County where he was born. This had not happened since he became a pastor. The response was tremendous and many came to listen to him preach. This he did with the ministry of JCC Mamboleo where he ministers. Five people were converted and gave their lives to Jesus Christ.
People of Nabikemo village listening to the Gospel. 5 converted to Christ
I’m excited to share this story of how one orphan at House of Hope is embracing God’s purpose for her life as a result of your faithful support with animals and chicken. She came to me and said how her family is suffering and how she is happy that she got sponsorship. She wrote in to say:
Appreciation letter from an Orphan at House Of Hope
“Lessons I’ve learned through this ministry have changed my life and the way I see the world. I was made by God and for God and until I understand that, life will never make sense. This truth has given me the purpose to live in this broken world.”*
But the impact of your support doesn’t stop there. You’re not only helping her with animals she also has school sponsorship and spiritual of school tuition and own her own Bible helping in her faith.
Thank you for your generosity to orphans through House of Hope, many people are finding hope in Christ and then sharing that hope with those around them!
- Rev Paul had one training at location called mawego on leadership and discipleship.
- There was Church leadership training on micro financing at House of Hope Chapel. This was three days training and the advisory team form will then go and train the others in their churches, to help in discipleship and also on helping the poor begin micro financing improve their own lives.
- The orphan sponsorship on those in High school had one-day youth forum, we shared about mission, education, sexuality and youth and ministry.
Church leaders training at House Of Hope
- We have given goats to about 60 orphans and families.
- Chicken has been given to 160 orphans and now has eggs and chicken meat that will boost their economy and help and the pride to own a chicken.
- Several new members now owned a Bible. They read them in Bible studies every Sunday morning and Friday fellowships.
- Several have committed their lives as Lord in their lives and the Christian growth is noted.
- The school performed well in last year exam, it took first position in the Su-B County, the only Christian school in this zone, and we have an active choir and will be producing their album soon.
- Some of the children are still struggling with school fees payments.
- We pride sanitary towels in feminine project of free sanitary towels to all girls in the group of having menstruation. This goes with female counseling and special session for the girl child.
- We provide lunch program 5 days a week, currently the cost is so high with scarcity of food items and high cost of fuel
Orphans receive gifts from Dr. David at House Of Hope
- The episode of diarrheal disease has risen after severe drought and now the floods have caused more harm, respiratory and drowning. In the picture a tree fell on parked cars causing huge damages!
- The construction is still halted as we wait for more funds to complete the wards and the new rooms.
- Doctors too are overworked in the county, clocking 168 hours per week instead of 40 hours recommended by world health standards.
- As a result, Kenya’s doctor to patient ratio stands at 1:6,109, which is six times the recommended 1:1,000 ratio by the World Health Organization. Even as this hemorrhage is going on, doctors’ union and the Government do not agree on how to make the medics stay in public hospitals or who is to blame.
The injured receiving treatment at HoH clinic
Widows Program
We continue to provide once a year a house and water tank to needy widows and also provide blankets and mattress.
Men Seminar- Zion Baptist Church
It is common knowledge that men don’t like going to church in Maasai land and other parts of Kenya. It is with this regard that at Zion Baptist we deliberately target men for Christ. Those who come to the Lord and are consistent at Church, this March 2018 we planned for the training to empower them with knowledge of scriptures and so they can take their rightful place of leadership in the places of worship. We had 30 men attend the Easter seminar for men. 2 Timothy 3:17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (ESV)
Men seminar at Zion Baptist Church
Prayer Requests
- Thank God for the rains.
- Pray for protection during the floods caused by heavy rains
- Pray for construction going on at House of Hope clinic
- Pray for the Maasai men, that they may give themselves to the work of God
Moses Rianto,
Mission Outreach Director
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