Note From The Board – Rod Robison
Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you. John 21:17b.
“Simon, son of John, do you truly love me?” Jesus’ words pierced Peter’s heart like a hot knife. It had been days ago that Peter denied knowing Jesus. But the pain still burned in Peter’s heart as if it had just happened. No doubt, Peter, who also went by the name Simon, thought back to that horrible scene just days before when he had committed the unthinkable.
It was the eve of Jesus’ crucifixion. Brute soldiers had just beaten Jesus with a cruel whip fashioned from jagged glass tied to strips of leather. The Savior of the World, almost unrecognizable from the beatings, was being dragged like an animal into the High Priest’s courtyard. There, Peter warmed himself by a fire, trying to remain anonymous. A suffocating flood of fear washed over him. Perhaps he prayed for courage to speak out on Jesus’ behalf. But self-preservation won out, and he remained mute. He hoped to blend in to the crowd of on-lookers, but his notoriety as one of Jesus’ followers betrayed him. A servant, recognizing Peter, shouted, “Didn’t I see you with him?” Peter cursed and swore he did not know Jesus. Just then Jesus passed by and looked straight into Peter’s frightened eyes — a look of intense disappointment Peter would never forget.
Now, a few days later, here he was sitting on a beach at night by a fire with the risen Christ. The pain of his denial still haunted him, but Peter didn’t offer excuses. Putting his past behind him, he answered boldly, “Lord you know all things; you know that I love you.”
The crackling fire warmed the chilly night air. Peter may have held his breath for what seemed an eternity, waiting for Jesus’ response. Then Jesus turned to the man who had denied knowing him and said, “Feed my sheep.”
How could Peter have been so bold – declaring his love — after failing Jesus so miserably? Perhaps it was because, through the agonizing experience of the cross and the power of the resurrection, Peter at last understood the depths of Jesus’ love. A profound love that erases even the worst of sins from a truly repentant heart. A love that transformed Peter from a frightened failure to one of the boldest proclaimers of Jesus’ love the world has ever known. Peter, indeed, fed Jesus’ “sheep,” becoming the first great leader of the Christian church.
So, the next time you think you’re just not good enough to be used by God, remember…you’re right. You’re not good enough. Peter wasn’t either, but God used him anyway. When you give to bring:
- Hope to the hopeless
- Water to the thirsty
- Families to orphans
- Medicine to the sick
- Empowerment to the poor
- Light to the darkness
…you are answering Jesus’ call to “feed my sheep.” The fact that none of us are “good enough” has no bearing on whether God can use us. His love, working through our obedience to his call and despite our imperfections and past failures, can bring transformation to countless “sheep” whom he has called us to shepherd.
Love Refined
By Rod Robison
Unite 4 Africa Board Member