Note from the Board: Rod Robison
Early this year Okongo asked me to join the Unite 4 Africa Board of Directors. I was honored to say the least. But I would never have said “yes” if I didn’t know that this ministry is one of integrity and wise stewardship. Let me tell you why I know it is.
A few years ago, before I retired from the broadcast ministry I served for 30 years, I was introduced to Okongo by a coworker named Steve. I still remember when Steve dropped by my office and said, “You really need to meet Okongo Samson. He has an amazing ministry called Unite 4 Africa.” Eventually I did. And I was so impressed with what I learned that I helped procure some funds for Unite 4 Africa that the broadcast ministry had set aside for mission outreach and teaching materials our ministry had produced.
Here’s what impressed me. Every quarter for the next couple of years Okongo and his leadership team sent us a thorough accounting of exactly how the funds had been spent and what those funds were accomplishing in terms of transformed lives. They even sent photos of the projects and the people impacted. Smiling, rejoicing children holding up Bibles and school books in their new school room. Community leaders equipped to disciple others. And teenage victims of sexual and psychological abuse rehabilitated through Biblically-based counseling and the love of Christ.
Through those regular reports my coworkers and I got to see how the resources our ministry had donated to Unite 4 Africa were being leveraged for the Kingdom of God. And we were all impressed. I was so impressed that I now serve on the Board of Unite 4 Africa.
Jesus said that his followers are known by their fruits. As God brings the increase, Unite 4 Africa produces good fruit from the seeds you plant in the rich soil of this ministry. And regardless of what form those seeds take – whether in leadership or as a financial and prayer supporter – you can be assured that the seeds you sow will bring a tremendous harvest.
Rod Robison
Board Member
Unite 4 Africa