Note From The Board – Nov 2014
Note From The Unite4Africa Board – Nov 2014 – Jim Weisert
There are some amazing stories of changed lives that are occurring all around the world. And Africa is one of those continents that God is moving his people to boldly share His truth with others. As you all know Unite4 Africa (U4A) has staff in three countries; Ghana, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Through our staff and the leadership of our Founder and Executive Director Okongo Samson, we have trained up thousands of men and women for leadership roles in and around their own communities in most of the countries of Africa.
We use foundational tools from some of the leading world organizations like: CHE (Community Health Evangelism) – applying “Wholeistic Community Transformation” applications covering the physical, social, economic, and spiritual needs of communities; and a Biblical Oral Training tool from SIU (Scriptures in Use), to help share and teach the Gospel to Orality based communities; we also teach on the “Sanctity of Human Life” – a teaching tool from Life International, why every child and person matters to God; in addition we teach Leadership skills, Aids prevention, healthy living and cooking, and community care for orphans. Our staff is very busy doing the work God has called us to do.
Through this work you have seen God’s power bring “Hope to the hopeless”, “Empowerment to the poor”, “Food for the hungry”, “Water to the thirsty”, “Families to orphans”, “Education to the uneducated”, “Medicine to the sick”, and most importantly “Light to the darkness”, communities have been transformed! Praise God!!!
The reason I point all this out is to ask; as you pray about your yearend giving and more importantly your monthly giving, I would ask you to pray about increasing your financial partnership with U4A. Or, maybe for some of you it would be the first time you begin partnering with us financially on a monthly basis. Living a generous life is way more than money by itself; It includes showing those in our own families and our friends families how to share our time, talents, and treasures with others, and how to do it with a joyful heart. It’s also about showing the body of Christ living and serving in places all around the world that we care about them, their families, and the work they are doing for God’s Kingdom.
Your prayers and financial support are greatly appreciated, you don’t know how much. Thank you!
Have a blessed season of Thanksgiving and Hope with your families and friends.
And may God bless and prosper your mightily in all you do!
Jim Weisert
Board Chairman