Note From The Board – May 2015
Note From The Unite4Africa Board – May 2015 – Ken Martin
Sometimes our path in life gets difficult, sometimes treacherous. Our path crosses the paths of others, sometimes bringing peace and good, sometimes not. It can be difficult and tiresome trying to discern the way to proceed that will bring peace and prosperity not only for the present time but also for years to come. The decisions and actions we take now, even the words we speak, will affect us and those in our domain now and into the future, they will also affect the ages to come. The potential that we now have in our thoughts and words and actions is tremendous and yet their affect is rarely considered past the present and near term let alone the ages to follow.
Paul explained in his letter to the Hebrews that we are to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us,” and to the Corinthians to “run in such a way as to get the prize.” The mission of Unite 4 Africa is a mission of the ages, and we are humbly blessed to have this mission – to encourage and build up those in Africa where we work to become healthy and prosperous by their labor and to know the saving grace and love of Jesus that He so desires to be woven into and throughout their lives.
We are honored by those who join in this work through prayer and finance. We are also blessed by those in the world who share their lives in similar work, together becoming stronger and unified in Christ, supporting and encouraging each other. We are fortunate and blessed by those on the ground in Africa who travel the miles and spend their time and their lives in this worthy cause. It is done with care and thoughtfulness, looking not only to small and simple near term solutions but changes that will have positive and productive outcomes for the ages. We are running this race with minds and hearts set for endurance and focused on the greatest prize. Run with us!
Ken Martin