Kenya Update – May 2015
Kenya Update – May 2015 – Moses Rianto – Mission Outreach Director
In the month of April, we had a seminar at Zion Baptist Church. The theme was from Isaiah 43:18, 19 A new beginning. Many were blessed through teaching. Three converted and gave their lives to Christ and joined the church.
Fig1. participants during the seminar
Fig2. Participants during the seminar
Fig3. Pastors during the seminar
Rev Moses Rianto participated in a training dubbed “Channels of Hope” by world vision, targeting church leaders and pastors. It’s based on gender violence and bringing peace. They say Faith based Organizations play a vital role in development, as they are a source of compassion, generosity and are trusted influencers. Church leaders can be powerful change agents and advocates for the Girl child. This training was trying to involve church leaders in eradicating harmful traditional practices against children: FGM, early marriages, child labour and help strengthen the local child protection system.

Fig4. Church leaders attending Channels of Hope training
- Please pray for Kenya, Terror gangs Al-shabab, have been terrorizing parts of the country and sadly targeting Christians. Pray that God may bring peace and unity among Kenyan citizens.
- The long draught has devastated many and many people lost their animals.
Fig5. Cow being supported because it is too weak to stand on its own due to lack of grass. - Thank God the rains started in this month of May which usually doesn’t rain, when many have lost hope. Rain came with huge storms and many people lost their lives. 15 people lost their lives in Narok County alone.
Unite 4 Africa inc
Kenya Office