Note from the Board- June 2018
Note from the Board – Jim Weisert
As often as I remind others and myself, “that you (I) are as close to God as you (I) choose to be”, it always stands true. We are either chasing after God daily, like He chases after us, or we’re not.
For instance; I can either put the newspaper or the tablet down and read scripture, or not. I can either turn off the television or my computer and read scripture, or not. I can either join a bible study group and study God’s word, or not. I can either attend Church with others on Sundays, or not. You get the idea. So why are we so focused on the trappings of this world, the temporal? Why are we so caught up in the now instead of the eternal? I would suggest that in part it’s due to how we have programed ourselves. As you know we will spend months, even years learning a trade, skill, craft, ability, or profession, but most of us won’t do the same for our faith to follow Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to the best of our abilities; we think that is for Pastors/Preachers. We live as though we are going to get to know Jesus/God/The Holy Spirit by osmosis. We don’t do that with our temporal desires, but we do that with our eternal desires. Does that make any sense when you look at it that way? The answer is absolutely not.
In Revelation 22:17, the fifth verse from the end of the Bible, God invites us to “Come.” To drink His living water, His word, which teaches us about our eternal position in Heaven with Him forever. This must be very important to God because he chooses to close His living word with this invitation, he is pleading with all to join Him forever in Heaven.
So, if it’s that important to God, that it’s one of the last things he tells His creation, shouldn’t we take His invitation more seriously and live our daily lives glorifying Him through all our thoughts, words, and actions? The answer is absolutely yes. And how can we begin doing that? By saying Yes to God’s invitation in Revelation 22:17, and living it out daily by reading His word, His truth, His direction for our lives. And then living it out daily as we share life with others around us.
I hope you are encouraged to step up your discovery of who you are in Christ Jesus by chasing after him every day for the rest of your life. By saying Yes to come into a blessed relationship with God through studying His word daily, joining a life group, and attending Church regularly. Fellowship is what God wants every child of His to enjoy now and in eternity, so let’s start today! That’s what we teach and do through Unite 4 Africa, so please “come” and join us.
Serving together for His glory!
Jim Weisert,
Unite 4 Africa
Board Chairman