Note from the Board-December 2017
Note from the Board – Ken Martin
As we enter the season of giving, let us all remember the supreme gift that was given to all mankind by our heavenly Father in his son, Jesus the Christ. Thank you Father!
We are humbled and very thankful for each of you who partner with Unite 4 Africa through your prayers and finances. Much was accomplished this past year, praise God. And we praying for God’s guidance in what we expend time, effort, and finances on to accomplish His will in 2018 as we engage with the lost and hurting in Africa. And for his guidance to empower His children as they choose to serve Him for His glory.
All of which can only be accomplished with your financial support. One of our current projects is to create sustainable businesses that will supply the needs of the ministry and the team we are blessed to work with on the ground in Kenya, Ethiopia and Ghana. To do so, would you please consider a yearend financial gift to bolster these businesses, and or increase our general fund so we can use your gift where they are most needed in the ministry, and or perhaps become a monthly supporter online of this exciting work (please contact Okongo Directly – [email protected] – to learn more about all that God is doing through U4A).
We send a prayer for God’s rich blessings to pour upon you and those you love this Christmas season.
Thank you for serving with us!
Ken Martin
Board Treasurer