Ethiopia Update-December 2017
New Regional offices and Training hubs have opened
We have traveled to South and South eastern parts f the country to visit our churches in those regions and to establish and open regional offices in those areas.
Wolayita Sodo is one of the regions that we have recently opened a new zonal office and training hub. This office will coordinate more than 27 local churches in the region. Shashamane is another town where we have opened another new zonal office and training hub. This office will coordinate 22 local churches in the area. Hawasa and Bensa are another two more training hubs and zonal office that we have opened in the southern part of the country. These two offices coordinate more than 50 local churches.
We thank God for the new season that He has given us to expand and organize ourselves more to advance the kingdom of God all over the country and even beyond. This really will help us to serve and equip our local churches very closely.
Prayer for leaders who have appointed to coordinate our zonal offices in the southern part of Ethiopia
Apostolic mission trips, visits and trainings in the Southern and South-eastern part of Ethiopia
As we went to those regions we also encouraged our leaders and churches and conducted various trainings. We really enjoyed the trip as a team to see how God is working through all our local churches regardless of the challenges they have been passing through and the needs that they have not yet able meet.
Some of our churches have already reproduced themselves by planting new churches in their neighboring towns and villages. I think this is one of the signs being a health churches.
Leadership empowerment Training for our leaders in the Southern Region
Our branch Bible School Campus in Adama /Nazareth/ is growing.
It has been a year since we have opened our branch Bible School campus in Adama/Nazareth. We have got more than 200 students who are taking our various courses in two programs which are Biblical Leadership and Biblical theology. Our students are so exited about our trainings and we thank God for the visible change that we have seen in the lives and ministry of our students.
Most of them are church leaders, young minsters and business leaders who have the passion and calling to serve God in various ministry areas in the future. Mr. Jambo Gurara is one of our students and the owner of the building that we hire and using it for our regional office and Bible school said that the training has helped me a lot to do my business in God’s way and lead the employees under me in Biblical leadership principles. He also said that I give many thanks and glory to God for the training center because He has brought it for such a time of this for our churches and saints in Adama/ Nazareth and the surrounding towns.
Our students are on training in Adama/Nazareth/ campus
Here under are lists of our prayer request:
- Pray for our new Zonal offices and hubs just have opened recently that may God would enable us to do more things to help our local churches in the regions
- Continue pray for our school in Wonjishowa that may God would enable us to purchase the school compound
- Continue Pray for our leadership training & development program, may God would enable and provide us all the necessary resources so that we may train and develop more leaders in the future.
- Continue Pray for our Animal Project may God would touch many orphans so they have got a bright future through this small gift.
- Continue Pray for our new classrooms construction project in Welenchity and Wonjishowa, may God would help us to complete it timely.
- We have started a new project for our local church – planters to provide them Bicycles and Motorbikes if possible, so that it will help them to easier their work as they travel many villages. So, continue pray for us may God would provide us the budget for this new project.
Pastor Samson Weldemariam,
Ethiopia Director and Vice President of U4A