Kenya Updates – February 2022
One of the challenges in doing evangelism in Maasai land is trying to preach to Men. Most of the churches have only women and children as church members. This hampered church growth, as there is strong resistance from Men who are the leaders of their families and have influence in what happens in the community. Men hold most traditions sacred and could not afford to loose them. Rev. Moses Rianto and the Men of Zion Baptist Mailitisa found a way that attracts men to Church. The Maasai love singing praise songs to the brave and their gods. Zion Men used the same traditional ways and put on the Maasai traditional attire at church to attract men and make it confortable for them to interact with as they share gospel of Jesus Christ. These has led many men to join church
Fig. 1&2 Zion Baptist men dress in Maasai attire at Church and praise to attract men to join. On the following Sunday we had ten Men leave their traditional ways and join the Zion Baptist Church.
It has been a great time of evangelism since the year 2022 began. The Mailitisa community continue to the slow change of accepting to attend Church and give their lives to Jesus Christ. During the months of January into February we have seen a number of new converts asking to be Baptized just like the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:27 – 39 when he met Philip. On this day we Baptized 30 new converts.
Fig. 3&4 New converts being baptized
• Please pray for Maasai Men, that they may embrace and accept the gospel and help transform their communities
• Please pray for the new converts who have been baptized to grow in the Spirit
• Please for the evangelism going on to plant new churches
– Rev. Moses Rianto