Ghana Update – Feb 2014
Ghana Update – February 2014 – Samson Abukari U4A Director, Ghana
Like warriors they charge; like soldiers they scale the wall. They march each on his way; they do not swerve from their paths. Joel 2:7 (ESV)
Just like a dream a month is gone already in the year 2014. To us in Ghana that gives us the cause to get charged for the task ahead without any wavering on the path that we are determined to move in seeing the love of Christ impact lives positively.
Means of Transport at last
The work in Ghana saw a great boost with a means of transport. We took delivery of a white Nissan 4X2 Pick –up to aid our movements into the hinterlands as we look forward to get Christ love shared in very remote areas where it is very rare to have access to good and regular public transport. We say thank you to all who made donations towards the purchase of this truck. May God replenish whatever resources that you made available for the expansion of his work.

Follow up visits
Some planning was done for the first quarter and subsequent months in the year. A follow up visit will be made to Najong no. 1 and Najong no.2 in the first week of February and Kpalgugbuni will also be visited in the second week precisely on the 15th of February 2014. These visits are to offer us the opportunity to reconnect with brethren in those hubs.
Preparation for Baseline survey
Some preparatory work has been done for a baseline survey to be conducted at Kpachani the community that was blessed with two water harvesters. This is to pave way for a CHE training to be conducted in the community. The survey itself will take off in the month of February.
Prayer Needs
- Journey mercies and fruitful follow up visits and meetings
- Successful first quarter Bridges Trainings
Yours in His Vineyard
Samson Abukari
(Country Director, Ghana)