Ethiopia Updates – February 2021
1. Mentoring and Coaching young generation.
Besides conducting various training events; mentoring and couching is one of our key strategies to equip and empower our young leaders for the work of the ministry. This includes spending quality time with them in fellowship and in prayer, travel together and involving them in the ministry and sharing life and ministry experiences.
Kale-ab ( Kalu) Alemu is one of our key young leaders in our ministry here in Adama/Nazareth/. He is making disciples, leading and mobilizing more than 200 young leaders under him. He loves the Lord and has passion for the work of the kingdom.
Currently, he graduated from our college in Biblical leadership. I am intentionally coaching, mentoring and getting involved him in the ministry by taking him in various discipleship, leadership empowerment training events and other ministry mission fields.
I thank God for him and I strongly believe that he will be one of our next generation leaders in our ministry.
Kale-ab ( Kalu) and Pastor Samson
2. Graduation Ceremony
We had a very wonderful time of Emmanuel United Theological College (EUTC) Graduates Commencement in Adama/ Nazareth/.
More than 100 men and women leaders and ministers graduated in mission & Biblical studies and Biblical leadership. I believe that these graduates will be another group of workers of the harvest and part of the army of God who are going to fight the good fight of faith and fulfill the great commission mandate which is to go to all Nations and making disciples.
I take this opportunity to congratulate all graduates and would like to say thank you for coming to our college and study the word of God with us for the past four years. I also thank God for them for making the right choice to be the disciple of Jesus.
Currently, we do have more than 300 students and leaders from various denominations being attended our training in our various campuses.
My joy is doubled and I am super exited; because my wife was one of the graduates among those leaders. She has a vision to empower women and teenage girls and she said that the training will help her to organize more training events for women and young teenage girls so that they will be able to be equipped and empowered.
At last; but not least I would also like to thank all our master trainers, local church leaders, training coordinators, facilitators and partners for their enormous contributions of this achievement.
EUTC Graduation
3. Continue equipping young leaders
We strongly believe that young people are the future leaders of a nation. These days many young people are exposed for so many things in Africa. So, there is a huge need of equipping and empowering our young people to rescue them from all those challenges that they are passing through and prepare them for Christ so that they will be able to reach out their peer groups.
We are impacting not only the youth in our churches; but also the young people who are from other churches. We trained 20 youths who have come from other 6 denominations in Adama/Nazareth/. We trained them on the topic of Jesus’s way of disciple making strategy.
They really have touched by the training and decided to start the disciple – making movement in their churches and even beyond by following Jesus’s strategy which is developing relationship with people.
“Strategy” Training for youth in Adama/Nazareth/
These are our thanks giving and prayer items to pray about with us:
- Let us thank God for the fruits of 2020 in our ministry and we saw that:
- 13,556 people gave their lives to Christ and 4,162 new believers were baptized
- 3,585 leaders were trained to help transform Africa for Christ.
- 19,196 people were given medical treatment and health training.
- 9,758 sanitation systems were distributed that helped protect 46,581 people from Covid-19.
- 2,995 school children were given a Christ-honoring education.
- 7,550 teenage victims of abuse received care and spiritual healing.
- 545 orphans were adopted within their communities.
- 3,205 received animals to raise and help them earn sustainable incomes, and over 9,307 other orphans were assisted in some form.
We serve an awesome God. He deserves praises and thanks!
- Pray also for our new year plans that may God would enable us to accomplish it according to his will.
- Pray for our young leaders and disciple- makers that may God would continue to use them to impact many by the teachings of Jesus and by His life.
- Pray for protection and peace of mind for those of our leaders who are in conflict affecting regions and areas.
- Pray also for our Leadership training, Business leaders summit, and animal and School projects so that may God would continue using those programs and projects to transform our communities.
Samson W. /Pst/
Vice – president of U4A and Ethiopia Director