Ethiopia Updates – April 2021
1. Life changing story – The Impact of our School
A Muslim Teacher and His Family
Rediet Abebe is a 13-year-old girl who lives in Wonjishowa . Her parents were Muslims. Even her father was one of the Quran teachers in Mosques in that village. In the past 8 years we have been giving her access to education freely. Now she is a grade 5 student. As a result of what God has been doing through our school, Rediet and her parents and all her other family members have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior and they recently got baptized and live a happy life with Jesus.
Rediet with her father Abebe
2. Life changing story – The impact of our Goats Project
A 10-year-old Genet Abera is one of our beneficiaries from our goat project. She lost her parents when she was three years old and lives with her old grandmother. She received one goat 3 years ago and within the past three years her goat has become more than 15.
By selling of some of the goats she has; she is able to take care of herself and her grandmother, covers all her school expenses like school supplies and cloths. Just few months ago she sold some of the goats and be able to buy a cow. She is so happy and have a plan to have got more cows so that she will be able to get more milks and gets more revenue.
Pastor Beyene Tadesse is our leader in that village called Areda close to Boffa town. He said that Genet has become our blessing in the church. She also gave one of the twin goat to other orphan in the village and supported their village church by selling her goat. He added that she has great vision for herself and for her community. This goat project not only supports the needy orphans, moreover, it transforms the mindset of our children from dependency to self confidence to be able to change their own lives. It also gives them vision for their future lives and teach them accountability from their early childhood time.
3. Life Changing Story – The impact of our Story telling training and church planting.
This is Ziad Mohammed Sayid Ibrahim who was one of the ministers who took our story telling training 7 years ago. He is one of our MBB’s and his father is an imam in mosques. After he accepted Jesus Christ he become passionate evangelist in his place called Bale-Robe town.
He had been passing through in various challenges and persecutions because of his faith in Christ. But, he endured in all those challenges and oppositions from his community. After he took the story telling training that I was conducted many years ago; he used that tool and wins many souls for Christ. He also has planted three churches in various villages in the surrounding town of Bale-Robe with his ministry team.
I have got a chance to visit him and the region he is serving just last week and I was so blessed and encouraged by what God has done through his life and ministry. I thanked God because He is using Zaid to plant many churches and to become live testimony for many Muslims.
These are our praises and prayer request items to pray about with us:
• Le us thank God for Zaid and for many new Muslim coverts who have come to Christ through the testimony of Zaid.
• Thank God also for the breakthrough that He has given us in the Region of Bale-Robe so that many people are being accepting Christ.
• Continue Pray for Zaid and the churches in the region of Bale-Robe that may God would continue giving them holy spirit power and strategy to reach out many.
• Pray for our Goat project that may God would continue transforming many more orphans and vulnerable Children like Genet so that His name would be glorified and many more people be able to see the goodness of God in our ministry.
• Pray also for our leaders as we travel for the work of the ministry may God would protect us and keep our families safe.
Samson W. /Pst/
Vice – president and Africa director of U4A