Ethiopia Update – July 2019
1. Marriage & Family counselors training in Adama/Nazareth/
As Unite 4 Africa one of our strategic focus areas to transform our communities is transforming marriage and family. If we transform families, we transform communities. Our African traditional & cultural norms and practices have its own effect on our Christian marriage and families. In order to combat those challenges, we need to raise an army of Christian marriage & family trainers and counselors; so that they will go out, teach and train our youth, couples and parents.
Just two weeks ago we have graduated 25 Men and women who have passion in family life ministry. The training took 6 months and covered basic biblical marriage and family values such as The concept & value of Biblical marriage, Common conflicts in marriage and how to solve it and the like.
Pastor Dereje Girma who is our marriage and family ministry leader have organized this training. Since my wife Addiskidan Derib was one of the graduates and she said that the training was so important and life changing. And she is planning to train more women in various towns and villages.
Graduates in marriage & family counseling
2. Updates of class rooms construction project in Boffa & Welenchity
The progress of the construction of the new class room project in Boffa and Welenchity is going on very well. We have got some funds from our partner through our office Unite 4 Africa to construct additional class rooms in Welnchity and in Boffa.
The aim of this class room project is just to help our schools to get additional class rooms for their students so that more students will be enrolled in our school. Now, they have completed the work of covering the roof and the walls and it will be ready for use in the next school season starting on September.
Thank you all our partners so mush for all your prayers and support.
New class room project in Boffa village
3. The Children ministry are growing in our churches
Children are very key in the kingdom of God. If we don’t focus on children today, we may not have church in the future. Based on this principle we have trained our local pastors to focus on the children’s ministry. Almost all our pastors have got the idea and they have children ministry in their local churches.
We had a children week last month in our main church in Adama/Nazareth/. Our children spent the whole week in the church compound by doing so many activities which help them to understand the word of God in a better way. Finally, by the end of the week, on Sunday church service, they ministered the congregation by leading the worship, singing and memorizing verses. The congregation was really blessed by the children. We thank God for our children.
Children on the stage to sing a song for the Lord.
4. Prayer Requests
We are always grateful to God to all our partners who are standing alongside with us in prayers and support. We will continue keeping you updated our work and prayer requests.
Here under are some lists of our prayer requests:
- Thank God for our children ministry and continue pray for all our children and their teachers that may God would continue using them for His Glory.
- Pray for our children ministry that may God would enable us to fulfilled all the necessary needs that help our kids to learn from the word of God.
- Thank God for the grant we have got for our additional class room construction project for the town called Boffa and Welenchity.
- Pray for our school in Wonjishowa we need to construct additional two classrooms. We have got a letter from the government that we need to separate the high school which is grade 9 and 10 from other grades. In order to do that we have to construct additional two class rooms.
Samson Weldemariam/Pst/
Vice – president of U4A and Ethiopia Director
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