Dignity Pads Project Transforming Young Girls’ Lives
In November and December we asked our supporting friends to help Unite 4 Africa provide dignity pads to young girls in rural villages. Something so simple makes a huge difference in their lives.
Millions of girls miss school regularly during their monthly cycles. Falling far behind academically, they’re forced to repeat several classes, threatening a life-long inability to rise above poverty.
It’s a very common hardship these girls face in many parts of Africa where sanitary needs are very difficult to get. But, thanks to God for working through those who gave, many young girls will now be supplied with dignity pads in the coming year.
This is just one of many ways Unite 4 Africa’s holistic approach to being the “hands and feet” of Jesus is opening doors to share the Gospel and His love with individuals, families, and entire communities.
Psalms 103:2 “Praise the Lord, my soul; forget not all his benefits.” God’s word tells us that we need to tell our souls to give thanks. Psalm 136:3 tells us that one of the reasons we praise God is His mercy: “Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his mercy endures forever.”
God’s word tells us that thanksgiving is a way to glorify God and reveal God’s salvation to us. Psalm 50:23 says, “Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor me, and to the blameless I will show my salvation.”
Thanksgiving is not only what we do when we feel it, but it is a way of life that we teach our souls based on a decision or a choice. We are so grateful to God for what He has done last year. 2022 has been a tough year for us as Unite Africa Ethiopia team in terms of direct attack and adversity from the enemy against our leaders, churches and members, but despite that, the Lord has grown the influence of our ministry significantly right around the world.
I would like to thank all of our courageous Leaders and their support teams for the great job they have all done last year and I pray that may God would give you strength and equip you for the huge plans God has ahead for you and your churches.
1. Amazing Mission Outreaches.
We have had great mission outreach events last year. And it has brought a huge impact in those cities and towns.
a. Wolayita Sodo Town
As Unite 4 Africa team we were so excited for the Mission out -reach in Wolaiyita Sodo. We, as a team and oneness, we preached the powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ and every heart heard the truth.
It was an amazing experience to see a sea of faces listening to every word. There were hundreds of thousands of people heard the Gospel and were many salvations, celebrations and healings.
We also ministered to all the leaders and ministers of the churches in Wolayita Sod and its surroundings. The ministers got equipped and encouraged to do the work of never like before. God is an awesome God!
Pastors’ conference in Wolayita Sodo town.
b. Arbaminch Town
Our Mission out-reach in Arbaminch town, Ethiopia was mind blowing. The conservative estimates were 200,000 people gathered to hear the Gospel. Many hundreds came forward for salvations and healings.
Words seem to be inadequate to describe what we have just experienced. God truly awesome, faithful and deep loving. We are so thankful for an incredible team and to serve together such an amazing God. Thank you all for your prayers and contributions in to the kingdom of God.
May God bless you abundantly for your commitments and faithfulness.
Amazing people in Arbaminch city.
2. Christmas celebration with Orphans and Vulnerable Children.
Christmas is many things for many people. Many of us view this time of year as a time of Joy and peace. However, for the past many years; our orphans’ vulnerable children had not been experiencing the joy of the holiday season for many years in past. Because; they were neglected & abandoned and there were no one with them who would have shown them love and care.
But we thank God for the opportunity that He has given us to serve these little children among us. Every year in Christmas season; we organize an event of celebration, fun time, prayer and singing. We also provide them various kinds of gifts, meals, soft drinks and candies. The children really love it and longing the event every year with great enthusiasm.
We did the same thing in this past Ethiopian Christmas holy day in our school Wonjishowa. My wife Addiskidan organized and conducted this event together with our local leaders. The joy, the smile and the laughter shown on the faces of those children was amazing and impressive.
As I said many times most of the children in our villages have never received any gift in their lives. So, when they received gift, they got shocked and became nervous. And they praised God and realized that God has given them the greatest gift ever His Son Jesus Christ to save us. I take this opportunity to thank my wife and all our partners who supported us in this program. May God bless you abundantly.
Ethiopian Christmas Celebration in Wonjishawa
3. Youth Development Training in Adama /Nazareth/ town
We as Unite 4 Africa team, our ministry is not limited in church compound only. We go out and bring an impact as God directs us and open doors to minister in every sphere of lives.
Last month one of our Master trainers Kalu organized a students’ forum & workshop in Adama/ Nazareth/ town. 469 middle & high school students from more than three private and other schools participated in this forum & workshop for one week.
The theme and focus of this forum & workshop were to help them to understand the meaning of “Excellence in Life” and “Character Development”. Kalu was so excited and thankful to God because he has got many feedbacks from Muslim and other non – believer students that their lives got challenged and their heart become more open to the Gospel.
Currently, Kalu is doing a close follow up with those students and started a discipleship journey of life with them. Praise God.
Students attending the forum and the workshop in Adama/ Nazareth/
4. Conclusion, Praise & Prayer Requests
The followings are praises and prayer request items to pray about with us: –
• Thank God for all our Leadership development and DMM Trainers who are laboring to train others in various regions of the country for their commitment and dedication to equip and train other leaders.
• Pray for our young leaders that God would continue to raise, equip and grow them to be the leaders of this young generation.
• Pray for the fruits of all our programs and projects in our ministries as Jesus Promised us to bear more fruits even lasting fruits.
• Pray for the new year plan that may God would continue guide, lead and equip us to do His will in all the nations that we working as it is heaven.
Samson Weldemariam /Pst/ Africa & Ethiopia director of U4A
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“’For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” (Jeremiah29:11)
Every New Year comes with great anticipation and expectation. There are complaints about current happenings around the globe and that is what makes Jesus the only hope for humanity to be more needed than before. Scripture gives us assurance that the plans and thoughts of God about us still remains for our good. He will surely help us to have an expected end.
Book Launch
Samson, by the grace of God, launched a book entitled “The Marriage You Desire” to coincide with their nineteenth wedding anniversary. It was a memorable occasion and a moment for prayer for marriages and would be partners.
Radio Broadcast
The Lord has kept faith with us on our weekly Radio program dubbed “Seeds of Hope” as many people continue to testify how the Lord has blessed them through the program. Unbelievers continue to do the monitoring each week and some are able to call in to comment on the topic discussed or ask questions for clarification.
Widows Remembered and Encouraged
Over fifty widows were brought together for a word of encouragement, prayer and the sharing of some few items together. After we closed the program one of the widows had this to share, “What a joy to be a part of a loving community where the assurance that our God will never leave us nor forsake us even in the absence of our husbands. God bless you for putting this program together and may the Lord continue to strengthen you to do more than this for many more people to be encouraged.”
End of year gathering
The group that Samson is leading with the Disciple Multiplication strategy, met to thank God for the past year and to be encouraged to do much more in the New Year. It was a time to have spouses of members come together for a time of reflection and seeing into the future of multiplication of disciples.
Children at Christmas
As usual children of the Janjori – Kukuo community and its surroundings spent some time to remember the birth of Christ. After listening to the Christmas story they had tie to interact together.
Goat Project
The goodness of the Lord has continued to be new every morning for His children as the goats project keep blessing the under privilege and offering hope to many.
Prayer Needs
• Pray for the grace to see the multiplication of disciples across northern Ghana.
• Continue to thank God for the Seed of Hope Radio Broadcast that many will come to the saving knowledge of Christ and that those who are already in Christ will be built up in their faith.
• Pray that the ongoing Church planting and discipleship training will continue to yield the needed results and the participants will keep the fire burning.
• Ask God for special grace to do more in the New year.
Yours in His Vineyard Samson Abukari – Country Director, Ghana
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Murang’a town, the headquarters of Murang’a County is known nationwide as the origin of the Kikuyu community with a revered traditional shrine nearby. Unite 4 Africa organized a three-day Leader’s training and open-air outreaches.
Our three days of leadership training healed many from deep emotional troubles, as many were ministered deep in their spirits. We realized many pastors and church leaders are going through a lot without anyone minister to them. They longed for more of such meetings as transformative power was so real.
We also held six days of mass evangelistic outreaches where thousands listened to the word of God daily. Culturally in this community, not many men surrender their lives to Jesus in open air meetings but the story this time around was different because about 90% of those who became followers of Jesus were men. This is really because God is saving the boy child in this community from destruction. Please pray for the men in this community as we at Unite 4 Africa intentionally reach out to men.
Fig 1,2,3,4 Bay Forrest preaching the Gospel. Evangelistic outreach crowd.
Many raise their hands as many came forward to accept Christ. Dr. Okongo praying for the sick
Romans 10:15
“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”
Kitengela is a suburb of Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya. Unite 4 Africa did a mass evangelistic outreach, reaching about 3,000 people daily in attendance. Many thousands of others besides this were listening as they carried out their daily activities at the busy bus intersection.
Many of them got healed from different sicknesses and afflictions. A lot were deeply wounded from rape, prostitution, alcoholism and other abuses. God healed many of them and besides, over a hundred and fifty people surrendered their lives to Christ. Please pray for those converts as the Holy Spirit continues working in their lives and that they will grow to maturity as Believers.
Fig 1. Bay Forrest preaching the gospel in Kitengela
Fig 2 Dr. Okongo preaching at Kitengela Evangelistic outreach where 150 gave their lives to Christ
It has been three years continuous without sufficient rain in many parts of Kenya. Many communities have been affected and pastoralists have lost thousands of livestock and many go hungry. Many children are malnourished due to the severe draught. Unite 4 Africa like, many other organizations that work with local communities, mobilized resources in different parts of Maasai land in support of widows, orphans and the most vulnerable in these communities, to give them relief food. in December 2022, we supported over fifty widows with relief food that will last them for a month. Please pray for the Maasai and other affected communities in Kenya and for the rains.
Fig 6,7 Rev. Rianto helping distribute relief food to widows
Romans 12:2
“Do not conform to the standard of this world but be transformed by renewal of your mind…”
Lumbwa is one of the local communities that Unite 4 Africa works with. Many in this Community seem not to be far from the Word of God and embracing education for their children. We organized a seminar to help them change their mindset on the things of God and education. We had four hundred and fifty people turn out for the seminar. It was so empowering and inspiring that many now long to be held annually so they continue to learn. Please pray for us as we go through the many local communities with diverse needs.
Fig 9,10 Lumbwa community residents pray raising their hands for change
◦ Please pray thanking God for the rains in Maasai land and many parts of Kenya
◦ Please thank God with us for the many souls converted for Spiritual growth
◦ Please pray for the continue fight of early marriages and FGM as it hinders many young girls to attain education
◦ Please pray for our many new church plants for spiritual growth, empowerment of the local pastor to shepherd the church and for provision to build church structure for worship
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It’s an overwhelming problem for many girls. But it has a simple solution. While sanitary pads might seem like a basic need, girls in rural or disadvantaged areas cannot afford them. Sometimes they simply are not even available.
Without sanitary pads girls miss several days of school a month, falling behind academically and negatively impacting their ability to rise from poverty.
Unite 4 Africa has been on the front lines to help bring dignity to girls in Africa through health education and the provision of sanitary pads. This simple solution allows girls to stay in school during their monthly cycles, which keeps them from getting behind in their school work and eventually dropping out altogether.
Here’s what Mary said after receiving enough pads to last through the full school semester: “I now have confidence to stay in school during my monthly womanly time.” Mary and many other girls being helped appreciate the gift of sanitary pads so much. We call them “dignity pads” because they restore and build dignity in these girls’ lives.
Would you please help us to keep girls in school by providing dignity pads? A gift of $42 provides one girl dignity pads for an entire year
In the year 2011, the Kenyan government passed the Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act into law, imposing harsh criminal penalties for those who will be involved in practice or advocating for FGM.
It is in fact still being practiced in many communities. For many girls born in Kenyan and especially from pastoralist communities, traditions such as Female Genital Mutilation are a fact of life.
The situation in Kenya and especially for Maasai is summed up by a Chief officer who when asked his view on FGM remarked, “How can you end FGM? In Maasai land where I come from, all the girls who are ten years and above have been initiated. Maybe this campaign is meant for those who are not yet born.”
Unite 4 Africa believes, women and girls in all their diversity, deserve a life free from violence and the ability to control their own bodies and future.
Unite 4 Africa, upon working in grassroots with local communities, it’s became clear that change must begin at the family level with parents, particularly fathers, taking on a more active role in the lives of their daughters. Unite 4 Africa together with other partners, provide education and sensitization about FGM to communities, particularly young men. We try to help keep girls in boarding school as that appears to be one of the effective ways of fighting FGM. Unite 4 Africa also works through the church in challenging the practice of FGM.
It’s a huge problem that most of us in the West don’t have to think about.
Many of the teenaged girls in rural villages we serve miss a lot of school because of something simple. Something that can be easily solved for them. But we need your help.
Millions of girls miss school regularly during their monthly cycles. Falling far behind the boys academically, they’re forced to repeat several classes, threatening a life-long inability to rise above poverty.
It’s a very common hardship these girls face in many parts of Africa where sanitary needs are very difficult to get. And recently, inflation has greatly increased the cost, in many places making them unattainable. And that makes things even worse for these girls.
Unite 4 Africa has found sources for dignity pads and, even at inflated prices, we’re determined to get them to these girls. Will you help?
Something so simple yet so profound is transforming these girls’ lives, their education, dignity, and futures thanks to Unite 4 Africa’s friends who partner with us in this vital campaign. And it opens the door to share the Gospel and love of Christ with these girls, their families, and their communities.
For just $42 you can provide for one girl for an entire year. Just $210 will provide for five girls for a year. Think of the impact you’ll have on each of them.
And today your gift will be matched by a couple who went to Africa with us and saw first-hand how these dignity pads impact the lives and futures of girls. So, whatever you give will impact twice as many girls when your gift is matched by these friends of ours.
Please take a moment to share the best gift you can at www.Unite4Africa.org/donate. Let us know that you’re supporting the Dignity Pads Project by typing “Dignity” in the comment field.
Thank you so much, on behalf of these vulnerable girls, for your help.
https://www.unite4africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/maxresdefault.jpg7201280Unite4Africahttps://www.unite4africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/logo.pngUnite4Africa2022-12-19 13:28:272022-12-19 13:33:40Something So Simple Can Solve a Huge Problem
Nashipae remembers her adolescent years filled with pain and seclusion. During her menstrual cycles she endured taunts at school where there was no support for sanitary needs.
Like so many other girls in rural villages across Africa who face the same embarrassment, Nashipae missed school regularly during her monthly cycles. Falling far behind the boys academically, she was forced to repeat several classes, threatening a life-long inability to rise above poverty.
It’s a very common hardship millions of girls face in rural villages where sanitary needs are unattainable.
“It was bad,” says Nashipae. “I did not want to go to school. Imagine being at a place where the cycles could start anytime and you had nowhere to go and help yourself with all eyes in the class stuck on you?”
All of that changed for her when Unite 4 Africa began supplying dignity pads to schools among the rural communities. Girls are now motivated to continue with school. They now feel the care and support that allows them to comfortably compete with boys and often perform better in class. Female teachers serve as matrons and provide the girls with reserved sanitary pads that Unite 4 Africa supplies along with sustainable, on-going health education.
And it has opened the door to share the Gospel and love of Christ with these girls, their families, and their communities.
Something so simple yet so profound is transforming these girls’ lives, their education, dignity, and futures thanks to Unite 4 Africa’s friends who partner with us in this vital campaign.
Right now we have a tremendous need to provide dignity pads and health education for many thousands more girls. For just $42 you can provide for one girl for an entire year. Just $210 will provide for five girls. Think of the impact you’ll have on each of them.
But today you can double the impact of your gift. A couple who has been to Africa with us were so touched when they saw how God was using their gifts that they are willing to match whatever you give dollar for dollar. Whatever you give will impact twice as many girls when your gift is matched by these friends of ours.
We’re praying that you will choose to be used by God to help some of these girls who face the same hardship that Nashipae faced. Please take a moment to share the best gift you can at www.Unite4Africa.org/donate. Let us know that you’re supporting the Dignity Pads Project by typing “Dignity” in the comment field.
On behalf of these vulnerable girls, we thank you for being a vital part of this God-glorifying effort that will change their lives.
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John 10:7,9-10 So Jesus said to them again, “Truly, truly I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.
In John 10:10 Jesus explains to His disciples that He has come that the ‘sheep’ (people) may have Life and have it abundantly. Prior to mentioning the Life and abundance that He brings, He reminds us that the thief (Satan), comes only to steal, kill and destroy.
It is a true gift and privilege to have the opportunity to travel around the globe as Okongo’s wife and his ‘two by two’ ministry partner. Together it has given us incredible opportunities to come alongside individuals, couples, and communities across the nations. Despite all the beautiful diversities from one people group to the next, one thing remains the same- the condition of the human heart and its need for the Life that only Jesus can provide.
Poverty comes in many forms. Many people view poverty in terms of being economical, but in reality, poverty includes other areas of our lives such as spiritual, relational, physical, mental, and emotional. It is evident throughout the globe that poverty has come into our lives through the enemy’s desire to steal, kill and destroy. There are people all around us, and maybe even ourselves, that are experiencing areas of poverty, darkness, or lack of freedom due to the enemy’s schemes to steal, kill and destroy our lives.
The Good News is that Jesus came to bring Life and to bring it in abundance. He brings wealth to our poverty in every area of life, sight to the places where we are blind, and freedom to the places where we are held captive. In Luke 4:18-19 Jesus spoke of Himself, “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because he has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
At Unite 4 Africa we are blessed to have many humble and intentional leaders, both men and women, with the heart and the commission to be ‘Ambassadors of Life.’ As they disciple others, believers and unbelievers, in tangible ways that address the “whole person”, not just the physical or the spiritual, we see poverty, darkness and captivity give way to Life and Life more abundant. The Gospel is the basis of this Life-giving ministry! It multiplies as the one who is liberated is commissioned to reach to another for the purpose of bringing Jesus’ liberty to them. It is a movement! Jesus has called each one of us to be “Ambassadors of Life” and those who partner with Unite 4 Africa are part of the equation that is bringing Life to the nations. We are deeply grateful for each and every one of you for your support of Unite 4 Africa! Your gifts are enabling us to fulfill this Great Commission!
– Shyla Samson
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We as Unite 4 Africa team, continue to lead the way in evangelism and outreach missions in remote communities. This month we were at the Mbululu market for a door to door and an open-air meeting. We thank God, that by the end of the evangelism we had 105 people converted and give their lives to Christ. It is our prayer that the good Lord may water these seeds to grow to maturity.
Prayers for salvation and blessing the congregation
The drought situation in Kenya is getting worse by the day. There has been minimal rain over the past couple of years. The Maasai community are predominantly pastoralists depending mostly on green pastures for their animals. With the lessened amount of rain and the lack of available pastures, animals need maize flour to avoid starvation and death. Unfortunately, many people do not have the financial means to buy maize flour for their animals, hence many animals die. It is with this in mind that we joined other partners in providing the basic food needs for the people. We planned for five hundred but over a thousand turned up for the food relief, painting the picture of a very needy community.
People turned up in their thousands to receive relieve food
Unite 4 Africa has been in the lead of empowering communities, planting of new churches and equipping of church leaders. It is through this, that the communities of Ololepo Baptist are happy that the church construction is almost complete and prayers for opening are on October 13th. While at the same time construction for the church in Glial is ongoing.
Ololepo Baptist Church
Gilgal Baptist Church
• Pray for the rain in the sub arid areas in Kenya
• Pray for the completion of the two church constructions
• Thank God for those converted to grow spiritually
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“Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.” (John 18:36)
We are made to understand that there are two main kingdoms thus, the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the devil. It is practically impossible to belong to both kingdoms, one can only be in one kingdom at a time. My question to you today is “in which kingdom are you?” Remember membership in any of the kingdoms has consequences.
Pastors and Church Leaders Conference
Samson who is a Harvest International Associate put together a 4 days conference for Pastors and Church Leaders under the theme “Be Ye transformed by the Renewing of your Mind”. Topics such as ‘Jesus our Model of Development,’ ‘Discipling the Nations,’ ‘The Role of the Church in Society,’ ‘Irreducible Minimum,’ among others were what were discussed at the conference. Most Pastors were very appreciative for the conference and added that if the Church would go back to do these things then the world will be won for the Lord.
Radio Broadcast
Week after week our weekly radio broadcast dubbed “Seed of Hope” has continued to be a blessing to both believers and non-believers alike. People continue to call to testify how they have been built up in their faith just following the broadcast. Unbelievers have also testified that every week they keep waiting just listen to the new message that will come through the radio.
Goats Project
Many more children are getting the hope of true empowerment as they get to benefit from the goats project of Unite 4 Africa. Words cannot be used describe the joy and excitement that are expressed by both the children and their parents or guardians.
Shoes for School Children
Samson’s meeting with Matthew Atokple early this year resulted in he and the Samaritan Feet Team coming over to distribute shoes to over 1000 school children. It is always a joy passing through the schools and seeing children who hitherto had been walking bear footed now happily running around in their new shoes.
Prayer Needs
• Lift up the Church planting training centers that are led by Samson.
• Ask God that the Seed of Hope weekly Radio Broadcast will continue to refresh souls and expose many to have an encounter the Holy Spirit.
• Pray for the West African Sub-Region that peace will prevail and the Gospel triumphing everywhere.
Yours in His Vineyard Samson Abukari – Country Director, Ghana
https://www.unite4africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/1.jpg4801040Unite4Africahttps://www.unite4africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/logo.pngUnite4Africa2022-10-13 08:26:582022-10-13 08:26:58Ghana Updates – October 2022
We as Unite 4 Africa Ethiopia team offers different levels of training, seminars and workshops for local leaders and church leaders of various backgrounds to teach them how to develop positive, culturally relevant approaches. As the church planting movement grows; developing & empowering leaders has been becoming a huge need.
To address this need and to equip our new emerging leaders; we have started a one-year Leadership Empowerment program. The pictures below show that 18 leaders have graduated from this program, we have prayed and committed them to the ministry before our annual general assembly meeting.
This program started 7 years ago and this group was the 7th round of graduates. This program has brought a huge impact in the lives and ministry of our leaders.
Prayer of blessing to our leaders
2. Visiting and Youth Leadership Training in Mizan town & Jimma district
Jimma district is one of the persecuting regions in Ethiopia. Few years ago, many churches were burnt & destroyed and many Christians displaced and physically got attacked. Rev. Dr. Okongo visited the regions and encouraged our leaders and churches.
Just few weeks ago I went to the region and did a follow up visit. I also trained our youth and empowered our leaders. God has been doing great things in this region and our churches got encouraged by the Holy Spirit. We thank God for strengthening our churches and giving them joy through persecution.
Youth training and speaking in our churches in Mizan town, Jimma District
3. Wonji Showa School Desks & Class Rooms Repair and Maintenance
September is a school opening month and it requires some efforts to prepare to receive our students. Unite 4 Africa supports our school to do maintenance and repair of the class rooms and school desks so that it will be ready for our students for this school season. We did the work of repair & maintenance of 5 class rooms and more than 50 desks. I take this opportunity to thank our partners who supported us to do this work. We will keep praying for all our partners.
Work of Maintenance and Desk Repair
4. Conclusion, Praise & Prayer Requests
The followings are praises and prayer request items to pray about with us: –
• Thank God for our leaders and Churches in Jimma area for their comfort and to stand firm through persecution.
• Continue to pray for our disciple making movement that; may God would help us to make many more true disciples who are willing to follow Jesus with love and devotion.
• Pray for our new young emerging leaders who are serving in various towns and villages that may God would continue to equip them and help them to apply the knowledge and skills that they received from our training.
Samson Weldemariam /Pst/ Africa & Ethiopia director of U4A
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The Maasai culture and traditions are affecting the girl’s education in a big way. When the girls approach to finish grade eight (8) their fathers are ready to give them away in early marriage, mostly after undergoing through FGM. It’s a challenge to the girl child in Maasai land and needs urgent intervention and many well wishers who can support the girls education. In this regard, we are happy to report the girls that Unite 4 Africa has taken initiative to support and help those girls affected by early marriage, they can continue with education.
Fig. 1 some of the girls being supported by Unite 4 Africa
This month, we began well with the mission outreach targeting those who have not yet converted and receive Jesus Christ. We happy to report that during this month 585 were reached and prayed for and they received salvation. Please pray for these dear ones that they may be rooted in Christ, and they continue to grow spiritually.
Fig 3&4 the open-air meeting where many were prayed
In the month of August we were blessed for our President Dr. Okongo and Shyla visited East Africa. In Kenya they visited several communities, Naibala being one of those. During this season it has been months without rain and without food. In this regard, Dr. Okongo and mama Shyla had to take some food with them to the community.
• Thanking God for Kenya peaceful elections
• Please help to pray the rains
https://www.unite4africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/1-2.jpg11251696Unite4Africahttps://www.unite4africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/logo.pngUnite4Africa2022-09-15 11:48:112022-09-16 16:24:29Kenya Update – September 2022
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mark 8:36-37)
There are things that people value in life but God our Maker values the soul of man. That is why He had to make Christ to leave his glory in heaven and to come and suffer so that the soul of man can be redeemed. What is the value of the human soul to you? For our God He exchanged the comfort and life of His son for the human soul. Lord, help us to have the right view of the human soul.
Radio Broadcast
The weekly radio broadcast dubbed “Seed of Hope” through the generous contributions of U4A partners has continued to air across the regions of Northern Ghana. Week after week there have been countless testimonies of transformation triggered by the broadcast. We were privileged to host a Pastor from Northern Nigeria by the name of Rev. Jesse Mallam who could relate to the stories of Northern Ghana.
Picture 1: Rev. Jesse and Samson in the studios
Picture 2: After studio presentation
Global Summit
Samson had the privilege of joining participants from over 30 countries who gathered for TTI global summit in Dubai. It was a moment for a great charge to reach out to the unreached. The issue of unreached people groups in the world and the need for intentionality in consciously working at it and the fact that it is our turn to step in and get the task accomplished was made very clear. Samson was given recognition for his service in the organization.
Picture 3: A group picture of a cross section of participants
Picture 4: Samson holding the recognition that was given him
Goats Project
On behalf of the beneficiaries of the goat project I want to say thank you to all the Partners of U4A who continue to make this happen and to help put smile and return hope to many more children who hitherto had lost hope as a result of the passing of one or both parents.
Prayer Needs
• Appreciate God for the success of the TTI global leadership summit.
• Lift up the Church planting training centers that are led by Samson.
• Pray that the Seed of Hope weekly Radio Broadcast will continue to refresh souls and expose many to have an encounter the Holy Spirit.
Yours in His Vineyard Samson Abukari – Country Director, Ghana
https://www.unite4africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/3-1.jpg9601280Unite4Africahttps://www.unite4africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/logo.pngUnite4Africa2022-09-15 11:38:522022-09-15 12:06:44Ghana Update – September 2022
As often as I remind others and myself, “that you (I) are as close to God as you (I) choose to be”, it always stands true. We are either chasing after God daily, like He chases after us, or we’re not.
For instance; I can either put the newspaper or the tablet down and read scripture, or not. I can either turn off the television or my computer and read scripture, or not. I can either join a bible study group and study God’s word, or not. I can either attend Church with others on Sundays, or not. You get the idea. So why are we so focused on the trappings of this world, the temporal? Why are we so caught up in the now instead of the eternal? I would suggest that in part it’s due to how we have programed ourselves. As you know we will spend months, even years learning a trade, skill, craft, ability, or profession, but most of us won’t do the same for our faith to follow Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to the best of our abilities; we think that is for Pastors/Preachers. We live as though we are going to get to know Jesus/God/The Holy Spirit by osmosis. We don’t do that with our temporal desires, but we do that with our eternal desires. Does that make any sense when you look at it that way? The answer is absolutely not.
In Revelation 22:17, the fifth verse from the end of the Bible, God invites us to “Come.” To drink His living water, His word, which teaches us about our eternal position in Heaven with Him forever. This must be very important to God because he chooses to close His living word with this invitation, he is pleading with all to join Him forever in Heaven.
So, if it’s that important to God, that it’s one of the last things he tells His creation, shouldn’t we take His invitation more seriously and live our daily lives glorifying Him through all our thoughts, words, and actions? The answer is absolutely yes. And how can we begin doing that? By saying Yes to God’s invitation in Revelation 22:17, and living it out daily by reading His word; learning His truth, His direction, His purpose for our lives. And then living it out daily as we share life with others around us.
I hope you are encouraged to step up your discovery of who you are in Christ Jesus by chasing after him every day for the rest of your life. By saying Yes to come into a blessed relationship with God through studying His word daily, joining a life group, and attending Church regularly. Fellowship is what God wants every child of His to enjoy now and in eternity, so let’s start today! That’s what we teach and do through Unite 4 Africa, so please “come” and join us.
Serving together for His glory!
Jim Weisert Unite 4 Africa Board Chairman
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Pastor Burussei Bedada and Ashenafi Massebo are serving in the persecuted and a very challenging area in the country. However, they endure and are steadfast in their faith and ministry regardless. I had a very good coaching and mentoring time with them. They shared with me their stories and how they are passing through in this difficult time. I have noticed that how God has given them His grace to continue ministering in their region where conflicts, persecution and threats that they are facing in their lives and families are on an almost daily basis.
I visited them recently and encouraged, coached and mentored them during the time I spent with them in our heart to heart talk and I also prayed them.
I encourage all of you to pray for those pastors and their families for God’s protection, wisdom and guidance as they are serving in the riskiest areas in the country.
Pst BurussieBedada /on the left side/ & Ashenafi Massebo / Right side picture/
2. Sample of our Organic farming
Organic farming is one of our small projects that we are teaching and introducing to our local farmers. We believe that this small initiative will grow and help our farmers to produce more harvest in their farm lands.
My wife Addis has just started this method a few months ago in our yard as a pilot project. She grows vegetables, carrots, green onion and tomato. The vegetables and the carrots grow very good and my family are enjoying it.
My kids said that the taste of the vegetables is so good and it tastes different than the vegetables we get from the market. Our goal is to expand this small initiative to other villages so that our farmers will benefit from it.
I take this opportunity to thank my wife for her hard work.
My wife Addis on her vegetable farm in our compound
3. Disciple – Making Movement /DMM/ continues
We believe that the best way to bring about lasting life transformation is through life-on-life discipling, which requires of disciple makers to go deep with each person they are discipling. The more time that is spent in close relationship with disciples, the more the DNA of Christ will be transferred. We seek to mobilize disciples who will live their lives in such a way that communities in Africa are transformed by the life of Christ and the Father is glorified.
Training & spending time with our leaders are some of the tools that we use to mobilize our leaders for the disciple – making movement. Just recently we trained about 30 of our leaders in the southern region in the town called Arbaminch. We saw the life and ministry of Jesus in this Disciple -Making effort.
It was a challenging and a life changing training. I thank you Pastor Chachi and Pastor Wondye, who are our regional coordinators in the Southern region, for their leadership and work of facilitation and organization.
Training & fellowship time in Arbaminch town.
4. Conclusion, Praise & Prayer Requests
These are praises and prayer request items to pray about with us:
• Thank God for our leaders and workers of the Kingdom who have been laboring in the persecution regions of the country.
• Pray for those pastors and their families who are ministering in the persecution areas for God’s protection, wisdom and guidance as they are serving in the riskiest and most threatening areas in the country.
• Continue to pray for our Disciple Making Movement that; God would help us to make many more true disciples who are willing to follow Jesus with love and devotion.
• Pray for our organic farming project; that God would help us to reach out to many farmers with this method to ensure the food security of our farmers.
Samson Weldemariam /Pst/ Africa & Ethiopia director of U4A
https://www.unite4africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/6.jpg360640Unite4Africahttps://www.unite4africa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/logo.pngUnite4Africa2022-09-15 09:37:092022-09-16 16:24:58Ethiopia Update – September 2022