Note From The Board – Rod Robison – August 2024
The Day I Met a Hero of the Faith (In the most unexpected place)
It never occurred to us when my wife and I visited an extremely remote village in Kenya that we would meet a modern-day hero of the faith. Someone whose story embodies James chapter 5 verse 16: “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
Her name is Gladys, and her story will both inspire and challenge you to a deeper faith.
We were visiting some of the villages Unite 4 Africa ministers to with a group from our church led by Dr. Okongo and Shyla Samson. After a three-hour jarring journey over seemingly endless dirt roads, up and out of treacherous river banks, we finally arrived at the humble little Maasai village. Glad to empty ourselves out of the van, we were pleasantly surprised to be warmly greeted by a reception line of men and women, boys and girls, many in the colorful traditional Maasai culture attire. Their singing was as joyful as it was infectious. Everyone shook our hands and, although many didn’t speak English, their smiles, warm handshakes, and embraces told us how grateful they were for our visit.
As we entered their humble church building the singing was joined by traditional Maasai dancing and heartfelt worship. A church service unlike most of us had ever experienced. And one we’ll never forget. It was packed wall to wall with joyous worshipers.
After the service we had a chance to interact with some of the villagers. Shyla introduced me to a woman named Gladys. As Shyla recounted her story, I realized that this was the same Gladys whose story I had written about a few years before. I still remembered how inspired I was with what I’d been told about her at that time. But now, to get to meet her was an unexpected highlight of the trip.
A few years ago, 70 year old Gladys’ heart ached for the people of her village. She loved her Lord deeply and wanted others in her village to know His love and forgiveness. Her heart for reaching her village for Christ shone like a beacon of hope in her community. With no idea how to plant a church, she started praying under a tree outside her home along with three of her granddaughters. Everyone thought she was out of her mind, especially a young drunken man named Titus who taunted Gladys endlessly. But for four years God’s Spirit compelled Gladys and her granddaughters to never give up their faith that God would plant a church in their tiny, remote village.
Then one day God prompted Unite 4 Africa’s Rev Moses Rianto to visit the area, and there to greet him was faithful prayer warrior Gladys. She convinced her husband and sons to donate a piece of land to plant a church. And with the help of Unite 4 Africa and our faithful supporters that’s what they did. God honored Gladys’ faithfulness and today many in the community have come to know Christ through her and the church.
And as if that wasn’t enough of an answer to prayer, get this. Remember Titus, the drunken young man who taunted her? He attended a meeting where Okongo was the speaker. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Okongo called him out of the crowd and told him that God was going to use him in a mighty way. And that’s exactly what God did. You might remember that in the Bible’s Book of Titus, Paul discipled a young pastor named Titus. Well, as if Biblical history was repeating itself, Okongo and Moses discipled Titus. And guess who eventually became the pastor of that new church in that remote Maasai village. You guessed it, Titus. And guess who endorsed Titus to be her pastor. Yep, Gladys. And that’s not all God did. Titus has, just in the past five years, planted 16 churches and is an “on fire” witness of God’s transformative power.
Do you see that tree between Gladys and me? That’s the same tree she faithfully prayed under for 4 years. It stands to this day as a reminder to the villagers…and to us…of what can happen when we sink our spiritual roots into the rich soil of God’s faithfulness.
God is using every one of Unite 4 Africa’s faithful financial supporters to change lives. To bring the Gospel to remote areas of Africa and beyond. Maybe you’ve not been able to see firsthand the incredible things He is doing through those who support Unite 4 Africa. But now, having seen it firsthand, I can assure you that your gifts are powerful tools God is using to transform thousands of lives.
Here’s how you can be involved in what God is doing in Kenya and throughout Africa and beyond. Visit and give what you can. On behalf of those people you will be reaching for Christ, thank you. You will be an answer to our prayers.

Glady and me. That tree between us is the one she and her granddaughters prayed under.

Pastor Titus and his family