Note From the Board – Ken Martin
How often do you find yourself troubled by the shortcomings of a business, a neighbor or a friend, or your church, or maybe even a family member? How often does anything positive ever come from such thoughts? To be sure, there are times when something misaligned or toxic needs to be recognized, pressed into and dealt with. It’s all too easy to spend too much time thinking about the imperfection around us and too little time recognizing what is good and appreciate it. It’s a gift from God to see the good before you alongside the imperfect. God’s Son displayed this trait repeatedly. The word of God tells us to think on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise in Johns letter to the Philippians, after he explains that we ought not be anxious about things but pray about our needs and be thankful in those prayers! Paul then talks about being content in whatever condition life may bring. It is such a blessing to witness thankful hearts in the organization of Unite 4 Africa, from the founder to those working in Africa! Not everything goes perfectly with our organization but the humble hearts that are willing to take responsibility, repent if needed, and regain their stride are such positive testaments to life in Christ. Positive and effective solutions and practices come when we remove the planks from our eyes and see what is being done well in righteousness, and build on that foundation. We appreciate very much those who build on this foundation with us.
Think on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise!
Ken Martin
Board Treasurer
Unite 4 Africa