Note from the Board-August 2017
Turmoil and Truth
Our days are often consumed with tasks. Most of what requires our time and effort is what we would label as “turmoil”; it often feels bothersome, minor, or flat out irritating. We know what to do and how to do it, but we would just rather not. Sometimes, however, the turmoil is overwhelming, and its wind is strong in our face. We may find ourselves dazed, confused, distraught and wanting for a path through the mess without a clear path to find.
I heard recently of an encounter a man had with mother Theresa. She asked him how she could pray for him and he asked her to pray for him to have clarity. Evidently she laughed a bit. He asked her why she laughed and she told him that clarity is very infrequent in life, and praying for it may seem fruitless quite often. She offered instead to pray for trust, as trusting in God and His ways will always ultimately be fruitful and lead us to the correct path. Now that’s truth!
The board of Unite 4 Africa, and the people on the ground who do the work in Africa, are very thankful for those who come alongside us to do the Lords work there. There is so much for which to be thankful! Great strides are being made to empower the people where we work. Giving them a sense of God’s presence in their lives. To those who are helping, have helped, and are considering joining U4A in this worthy effort, we thank God for you, asking Him to deepen our trust in Him, and to be discerning stewards of all that is given. Thank you so much for your prayers and financial generosity.
Ken Martin