Kenya Updates – May 2021
God continues to be faithful for our ministry reaching out to empower local pastors with knowledge of scripture and encourage them during this time of the Corona pandemic. During the month of April we were able to do trainings in two different settings, one in Kenya and one across the border in Tanzania. In Kenya they strictly put on masks and in Tanzania they don’t. God has been gracious to them that they are protected. We thank God and pray that God may bring to an end the corona virus. In Tanzania they sing freely, while in Kenya its restricted by masks. We glorify God that keeps all of us safe.
Fig. 1 & 2 Pastors Training session in Tanzania
Fig 3 & 4 Pastors training session at Ewuaso, Kenya
During the month of April, schools were closed for holidays in Kenya. We took advantage to engage with the youth. We had opportunity to train them to become “Vessels of Honor”. Eli was the highest priest of Shiloh, but his sons behaved wickedly and committed evil deeds. We trained the youth to allow God to use them so they can become vessels of Honor and God can use them for His glory and to transform the world as they bring respect to their parents. During the long school breaks brought Covid-19, there has been many early pregnancies involving school girls and many dropped out of school and were given away for early marriage.
Fig 5 & 6 Youth at Enalepo during training
When we planted our new church at this area one year ago, the most visible need in this community was a school. This community is seven kilometers away from the nearest school and its full of wild animals like elephants and buffalos. Children have to grow to age ten before they join school, so they can be able to differentiate wild animals from domesticated animals. Many have lost their lives being killed by Elephants. It is just one day ago; before this report is send that a member of this church (woman) was killed by an elephant. It is mostly women and children that suffer a lot. Please pray for this community that a lasting solution could be found to keep wild animals away. Here we partnered with Maureen Kimani (Nimo) to help supply 40 desks for children, so they can use the church and one iron sheet class that Unite 4 Africa have helped to build. This will keep children not to walk long distance for school.
Fig 7, 8 & 9 Emotoroki Baptist School receiving the 40 desks
• Please pray that God will comfort a family that an Elephant killed their loved at Emotoroki community
• Please pray for provision of clean water at Emotoroki community as what they share with elephants is just dirty water
• Please pray for safety of children as they reopen schools here in Kenya, this coming week
• Please pray churches here in Kenya as in-worship services have been allowed