Kenya Updates – July 2012
Kenya Updates – July 2012
The Maasai area is being destabilized now with the droughts setting in. This means there is scarcity of water and the people and their animals have to walk long distances looking for water. Lets pray for Lositeti and the rest of the regions for the rains.
The Pastors fellowship organized a peace prayer rally that brought all churches and political leaders together to pray for peace in Maasai land. In attendance were about 3000 Maasais who pledged to live peacefully. This campaign comes since Kenya experienced post election violence that saw the loss of lives, displaced families and destruction of properties.
Enkokidongoi Church received six converts. They joined the church and two of the men re-dedicated their lives to Christ. We pray God will keep them strong and use them to influence more people come and experience Christ
Olmanie Primary School received sanitary pads. The school is far from the main road and one has to go through Tanzania in Namanga. The school head teacher was grateful and hopes the pads will keep the girls in school
Karero Primary School received a water tank from Unite 4 Africa in conjunction with Rotary Club of Rio Rico. The Tank will store water for cooking, drinking and cleaning the school.
The ugly hand of terrorists is still traumatizing Kenyans and this time two churches experienced grenade explosions and gun fires simultaneously killing 17 people and injuring others. Masked assailants raided AIC church and Catholic Church in Garrissa on a Sunday while on the service; they shot the congregation at will and hurled grenades at them. The Government is pledging to protect everyone in the worshipping grounds so that this heinous act is not repeated. We pray for peace and that God can protect his people from attack while in Church