Kenya Updates – January 2021
In light of the current concerns about the spread of coronavirus, as well as other diseases and sicknesses that are transmitted through human contact, the church is called to respond through the relationship God calls us to cultivate. That we trust God is capable of caring for all creation, and that His sovereignty over all things will carry the day, even in the midst of sickness and death. We should enjoy the company of fellow Christians in ways that don’t disconnect us from one another through lack of human touch, but always with the understanding that close human contact can potentially transmit illnesses accidentally. We should look for opportunities to care for all people around us, not just by our personal choices, but also by the way we position ourselves to become aware of the human needs of others. We thank God for the new year, and are thankful for all He allowed into our lives this past year, the good along with hard things, which have reminded us how much we need Him and rely on His presence.
As we neared the close of the year 2020, we had several leadership and pastors training to empower the local pastors with knowledge of scripture and on how to do business to be able to take care of their families as they serve God. Many local pastors lack basic skills on business management. Many who attended the training attest that their minds have been opened and will use skills gained to work in profitable ventures that will help their families and the churches they serve.
Fig 1 & 2 Local pastors attending training at Mailtisa
It is with great joy I report our first training for Sunday school teachers. Most of our local churches do not have trained Sunday school teachers. This has made many of our children grow without proper foundation on the word of God. Many local churches do not have separate classes for children, hence children join their parents in the adults services where they only play and do not get the hard teachings during preaching. We thank over 15 teachers trained and a few youth. We pray God provide us opportunity to be able to train more.
Fig 3 & 4 Sunday School teachers training at Zion Baptist.
During Christmas we were able to visit one of our local churches and share Gods love. We had a wonderful time of prayer and sharing Gods word at Ololepo Baptist Church. We shared Gods love with 39 needy families to give food so they can celebrate with the world the birth of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Fig 6, 7 & 8 sharing Gods love with families at Ololepo Baptist
• Please pray for Kenyan school going children, as they report back to school after 9 months of coronavirus
• Please pray for the rains as many pastoralists now move in search pasture
• Please continue praying for evangelism and church planting, as many still need to hear the word of Christ. God to provide ways to reach those not yet reached