Kenya Updates – April 2012
The sanitary pads for girls project received a boost with Carol Mchugh from Canada donating 5 boxes to Enoosampurrmpurr Primary School. We are hoping this pads will ensure the girls stay in school and acquire the education the need instead of absconding lessons because of the monthly periods. We are praying for…
…more partners to join in the project to reach a target of 4,000 girls this year.
Figure 1: Rev Moses Rianto, U4A Missions Outreach Director, Kenya
with the girls and their teacher after donating the Sanitary Pads at Enoosampurrmpurr Primary School.
Figure 2: Girls with the sanitary pads
Pastor Jacob of Kitale mobilized a group of pastors from the region to train them on Bridges 1. He had a total of 14 pastors/leaders and trained them between 21st – 23rd Feb. 3012.
The Leaders were excited that the training opened their eyes and that now they feel equipped to do outreach anywhere. They liked the use of stories, songs and drama to do ministry. They are planning to visit Marakwet communities in the coming months to reach to the people with the word of God.
The Bridges 1 for Butere Leaders took place between 7th -9th February 2012 at Marenyo. Pastor John, a Hub leader trained 6 on how to employ the Bridges strategy in doing ministry to the oral community.
- Pastor Okech has been training and equipping 16 leaders for the purpose of expanding the ministry. He is taking them through various preparations including use of the Bridges strategy for major outreaches. The team will be involved in expanding the body of Christ within their reach.
- The Mamboleo Jesus Care Center Church also held a training session among 27 youth who attended Sanctity of Human Life training in the Church from the 4th Mar 2012. The facilitators were Johnson Okwama and Jecinter, who are Master trainers of trainers. Johnson was the trainer of Jecinter and both are now working to ensure that the youths live a life according to the will of God. In a community where abortion is high among the youth, the church needs to rise up and address the situation by instilling among the youth all that pertains to the sanctity of human life. Jesus Care Center Church has taken it upon itself to address this issues among the adult men and women, couples and even the youths in the church.
We pray that those who have acquired this information will be champions of Change in the campaign against abortion.
Figure 3: A section of partcicpants at the SOHL training
Figure 4: Johnson Okwama sharing with the youth about the SOHL
Figure 5: Jecinta, a trained counselor also sharing with the youth about the SOHL
Figure 6: A section of the Youth participants
Figure 7: A section of the youth participants
- Pastor Paul Ochola of AIC Church, Katito has two trainings to his church members on the Sanctity of Human Life. The first meeting was held from the 24th of January 2012. The church was excited and lamented that the training was a much needed as many of them have been struggling with matters related to abortion. He however said it was quite tough to handle the group since they had the whole team mixed of adults’ men and women and some youth.
- His second Training was done from the 11th March 2012 in Kandaria with the youths from the community on Sanctity of human life.
- On the 23rd of Mar 2012, he organized the same training with Women at AIC Rae Church and share about the same.
Prayer Items:
- Praying for peace to prevail in Isiolo, Moyale and Chemase where there has been community clashes.
- Praying for the resources to continue expanding the good work to unreached people.
David Odhiambo
Kenya U4A Country Director