How Big is U4A's ministry
How Big is U4A’s Ministry?
Recently a U4A supporter wrote us to ask about just how big is the ministry of Unite 4 Africa. We thought the answer might be of interest to others so we decided to share it.
U4A places great emphasis on the principle of multiplication. Every person that a U4A trainer instructs is expected to practice what they have learned and also teach and train others. U4A continues to offer additional training on this topic and other subjects throughout the year.
U4A founder Okongo Samson has been employing this principle of multiplication for many years, long before officially incorporating Unite 4 Africa. Under his guidance, U4A staff and volunteers are primarily focused on work in communities of Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda. The multiplication principle has allowed their work to be proliferated throughout the continent of Africa extending to at least 17 nations.
So how does Unite 4 Africa track all this training and measure the fruit of the ministry? It can be difficult when the growth is this abundant. We celebrate when a movement is growing so rapidly that communication about church plants and continued training is delayed because the staff and volunteers are so busy. However, we do take great care in reporting the information as we receive it so that our financial partners and prayer partners can rejoice with U4A that the gospel is moving throughout Africa!
Let’s take the 2011 year-end numbers, for example:
257 Oral Bible Churches were planted and 1438 House Fellowships were started
2579 Africans were Baptized throughout the year
347 orphans were cared for last year
Where did these numbers come from and how did we track them?
These numbers come from Kenya, Ethiopia and Ghana. The U4A Council Leaders and Church Planters working within the communities recorded the statistics listed above. These volunteers are often in very remote regions of Africa and communication is limited. Their information can therefore be quite delayed due to the limited technological conditions in which they work, but praise God that He is using U4A to reach the ends of the earth!
This data is then shared with U4A’s Regional and/or County Coordinator and tallied for the Region or County. U4A National Directors then group the data for the entire country and provide that information to the Executive Director and President in the US.
Steve Nicholas
United States U4A Executive Director