Kenya Update – September 2019
September is a big month for literacy, and that includes Adult education and continued education. This month we look back three years and thank God for adults in our Churches who never went to school. This month at Zion Baptist and the communities around it, celebrate the men and women who can now read their Bibles for themselves. This shows the impact the church is having in transforming communities. Bringing help and hope through the Gospel. As we celebrate the World literacy day on the 8th this month of September 2019 lets pray for ways we can empower those who do not know how to read and write.
A Maasai man reading his Bible. A member of Zion Baptist Church
In the month of August, House Of Hope held an open air crusade at Katito shopping Centre. This gave opportunity to reach those who don’t attend churches on Sundays and gave them opportunity to hear the gospel and accept Jesus Christ in their lives. Seven people converted and accepted Christ in their lives.
Seven converts kneel for prayers at Katito
In the month of August, the Lord led us to do evangelism at a Maasai community called emotoroki, next to a conservancy sixty kilometers away. In this community, children have to wait until they are age ten to start school because that’s when they clearly identify wild animals like Elephants, lions and other dangerous animals. After starting the church, the next thing they asked is help us start a school so that their young kids can attend at near walking distance. Please pray, the Lord provide shelter for this church so that school can start too.
Fig. 3, 4, 5 & 7 new converts at Esarunoto Baptist Emotoroki. Twelve men and fifteen women, total 27 adults gave their lives to Christ
The young kids at Oloshaiki Church have been studying at the church building, which is very small and not conducive environment for young learners. Unite 4 Africa team visited early this year 2019, led by Rev Okongo with his wife Shyla. And after praying for few months, the Lord opened a way for construction of a new modern classroom for these young ones. Please pray for this class construction will be completed so that these kids will good place to learn.
Fig. 8 & 9 Rev. Rianto, of U4A leading in ground breaking for new classroom
Fig. 10, 11, 12, 13 Construction materials for the new classroom being downloaded at the site where the class is will be build
Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ is a challenge with many evangelists and pastors walk long distances and many hours so that the gospel can reach the unreached and more to those who do not deserve. Working with the ministry of “Cities of Refuge” and “With Open Eyes” the local pastor is empowered with a motorcycle to help them minister in most remote areas where vehicles cannot reach, so the gospel of Jesus Christ is spread for all. In the month of August twenty local pastors, through WOE received motorcycles to help them do evangelism and ministry to the unreached.
Fig. 14, 15 local pastors empowered with motorbikes by WOEs to help them do evangelism and reach the unreached
- Please pray for water situation at House of Hope. They will need a solar pump to help them pump more water to help the local community
- Please pray for finances to help complete David’s house
- Pray for the rains in many parts of Kenya
- Pray that the gospel may continue to be preached to unreached so that lives will be changed for Christ and new churches will be birthed