Kenya Update-September 2017
House of Hope
House continues to give hope to many in the surrounding community. It has been giving service of chaplaincy to many visitors to clinic. This has helped many to be encouraged in the Lord and even get the opportunity to know Jesus as the great physician. Doctor David and Rev Paul Ochola minister to patients everyday at House of Hope and make a difference.
Rev Paul Ochola sharing the Gospel of Jesus with patient at House of Hope
House of Hope Clinic
The first part of 2017 has seen the longest government employed nurses strike, as they demand for better remuneration. This has seen many patients flock to friendly clinics like House Of Hope to seek treatment. This has put a lot of strain to the few staff at House of Hope, limited supplies and equipment including space as they try to help all the sick patients who visit. It’s our prayer that God may increase the workforce at House of Hope clinic as they continue to minister to many both physically and spiritually.
Big numbers of patients flocking House of Hope clinic for treatment
Leadership Conference
House of Hope ministry organized a three-day leadership conference to impact on the local preachers, church elders and community leadership. HoH seeks to set the pace Christian leadership that can make a difference in the lives of those being led. A total of 189 leaders from the surrounding communities attended the conference.
Leadership conference session at House of Hope
Fighting Poverty
The past few years have seen long dry seasons in Kenya that led to loss of many livestock animals, which are a source of livelihood to many nomadic people in Kenya. Because of these long dry spells we networked with Techno-serve to train the Maasai on ways to plant fodder trees and ways for helping them on how to feed their livestock. Techno-serve is making a difference by connecting the villagers to information resources, providing them with knowledge, skills and tools needed to raise themselves from poverty. It has been doing demonstration on how to plant fodder trees and grass that grow well in dry areas. This calls upon us all to seek the Lord in prayer to bring the rains in its season, and that many will know the Lord Jesus as personal Saviour.
Maasai attentive to training on fodder trees and options to livestock rearing
Maasai attentive to training on fodder trees and options to livestock rearing
Feeding Wheat bran to cows that have become weak and can no longer walk long distance. This are new alternative ways Maasai are learning
Women go out and look for grass, cut and bring to the young calves that could not move with the big cows
Bibles Distribution – Lemowuo Church
Unite for Africa and its partners have continued to empower the local Maasai who have accepted Christ with the word, by giving them each a bible. As Rev Moses Rianto and many others moved cattle in search of pasture, we came across churches that it’s only the pastor who has a bible. We were able in our next visit to their homes to bring with motorbike some bibles for Lemowuo church. It’s now many women and children in churches as men moved their animals in search of greener pasture.
Lemowuo Church receiving bibles
Baptism – Mamboleo Kisumu
One of Unite 4 Africa leader and pastor Rev Charles, after doing evangelism and teaching was able to Baptize 20 people. These are 17 youth and 3 adults. We thank God for the souls that are converted and accepted the teaching of Christ and were baptized. It was a big day at Mamboleo church Kisumu
Rev Charles Okech baptizing at mamboleo Kisumu
Youth line up ready to be Baptist at Mamboleo Kisumu
Relief food for Orphans-House of Hope
The long dry season in Kenya has affected many and a lot of people are now depending on relief either from government or well-wishers. House Of Hope continues to give hope to the surrounding community by helping the Orphans with food that they can take to their families. Pray for the rains in Kenya that many will be able to do farming and grow their own food.
Orphans receiving food at House Of Hope
Prayer Requests
- Pray for provision for construction work at House of hope, equipment and supplies enough to cater for its surrounding community
- Pray for Kenya as Presidential results are still to be determined by the Supreme court, that whatever the outcome there will be peace
- Pray for the rains in Kenya as it has been a long draught and animals are more weak and many dying
Moses Rianto,
Mission Outreach Director