Kenya Update – November 2015
Kenya Update – November 2015 – Moses Rianto – Mission Outreach Director
New Church Established, Lenkishon
It is with great joy we share the good news of a new place of worship at Lenkishon. EMIRISHOI CHURCH, which means victory in Maasai, stood the hard times of draught and people gave their lives to Christ and the church opened. At the moment this church has over fifty members. This church worships under a tree which is very difficult during the scorching sun or during the rainy season. Please pray with us that Emirishoi church will grow in the faith of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, and that they may get a shelter.
Emirishoi Church Sunday worship service
Empowering Women
It is rarely seen in many Maasai churches becoming active in pastroral leadership. In the recent months we have taught them on how to use the Bible and through Unite 4 Africa many received Bibles. And now are able to stand at church and share the good news. Please pray for these women that God may continue to give them the desire to learn the scriptures.
Maasai women sharing the word at Church.
Zion Baptist Church
Zion Baptist Church was started under a tree and for some time worshiped there. God opened a way and we build using iron sheets. Today we are happy that God is lifting us again through friends we have just started building a new church. Please pray that God may provide all the resources need to complete.

The upcoming Zion Baptist Church
- Thank God with us for the rains in many parts of Kenya, lets pray that the expected El Nino rains will not destroy lives.
- Please pray for Emirishoi Church to get a shelter, a good place they can worship God in the sun or rainy season.
- Thank God for Zion Baptist , new building and God to provide resources to complete the building.