Kenya Update – July 2020
Even as there are emerging signs of optimism in combating COVID-19, the demands of this season on local pastors and church leaders in Africa, are not likely to lessen in the near future.
As restrictions to contain the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak spread to countries around the world, we all need to live out the Reformation principle of “ecclesia semper reformanda” (the church in ongoing process of reforming) as we find new ways of gathering in Jesus’ name. I believe God desires to see a genesis of gospel growth on the other side of this crisis like the world has never seen. Now is our time to pray, prepare, and mobilize! Unite 4 Africa is positioned to teach what a Biblical disciple looks like, as we focus on empowering the local leaders to minister to their own communities.
Many local communities in Kenya that are affected by Covid19 are facing economic challenges brought about by the pandemic. Many families now have nothing to depend on. Through our local partners here in Kenya, Unveiling glory helped to give relief food to over (360) three hundred sixty families. Much appreciation goes to Pastor Bob Sjogren through Maurine Kimani for the food support to the Maasai community.
Fig. 1, 2 & 3 Rev. Moses Rianto helping distribute relief food in the villages of Engaboli, Koitiko and Enkokidongoi
Unite 4 Africa, has been among a few organizations that have taken lead in Kajiado county to help sensitize and bring awareness to the local Maasai, through teaching on the proper ways of washing hands and basic information about Covid19. We have been visiting small groups in villages. In June we visited Oloeisusua village.
Fig. 4 & 5 Rev. Moses Rianto giving out buckets and soap for washing hands
We thank God at Zion for the provision of a borehole in this community. It was drilled in February but the spread of Covid19 stopped the construction and installation of the borehole. We thank God it has started again and will be completed soon.
Fig. 6 & 7 constructions to install solar panels at Zion borehole
- Pray for Resia, a girl who is almost losing her both eyes and will need to go for a surgery soon as they get funds. Resia is a member of Zion Baptist and her mother is a widow.
- Please pray for the local Church at this time of Covid19. Local pastors are undergoing hard times
- Pray for the new planted Churches, as they are most affected by Covid19
Moses Rianto
Mission Outreach Director