Kenya Update-January 2018
House Of Hope
Through out the year 2017 we have seen the great work of the Lord through Unite 4 Africa to impact the lives of Orphans and needy families in the community. Through the animal for Orphan program, House Of Hope was able to give a chicken as Christmas gift to 160 Orphans. A chicken given to an Orphan will help reduce poverty, bring income and provide nutrition to poor families living with Orphans.
Chickens delivered and a photo of some Orphans receiving chickens
Helping The Widows
2017 being a very difficult year for many Kenyans, widows and the needy were affected most. Having been with no rains for a long period of time. Many could not do farming which they mostly depend on. Last December House Of Hope, through its ministry to widows was able to help some of them with food as part of helping them survive the hard times. We pray this ministry continue to grow to glorify God.
Widows receiving gifts at House Of Hope
Evangelism continues to grow and bearing fruits as many give their lives to Christ. Last December 2017, House Of Hope team did an evangestic outreach within Katito and the community surrounding it and many were converted. We pray this team continue to grow to reach many souls for Christ.
Evangelistic outreach at House Of Hope
Dam-Water Reservoir
Making dams to rural and semi-Arid areas has been a huge need due to lack of water and long periods without rains. We partnered with I love Africa to identify areas to make new dams and upgrade existing old ones. Last December 2017 we upgraded an old dam that serves a large community at Lenkishon. Now the water is clean and human can now drink and use it for cooking. This is a big help for residents of this community, as they never had clean water. I love Africa promises more partnership in making more dams in 2018.
water tank for cattle and clean water tank for people
the upgraded Dam has fence and pipe to draw water to the tank
Empowering Youth
The youth in our churches are continually copying the youth from the secular world and there is no difference of those who are saved and those who are not. It is in this regard at Zion Baptist we organized a seminar for the youth in our churches to train them on the theme “Dare To be Different” trying to set apart as Christian Youth who are growing Spiritually to be the light to the dark world.
The youth attending “Dare To Be Different” seminar at Zion Church
Prayer Requests
- Thank God with us for the rains in the new year
- Pray for Children joining school for provision of school fee
- Continue praying for House Of Hope Clinic expansion
- Continue praying for Orphans at House Of Hope