Kenya Update – Feb 2014
Kenya Update – February 2014 – Rauf Okal – Operations Director
Sanctity of Human Life
The Enkokidongoi Church organized youth training on 25th – 26th January 2014 on the Sanctity of Human Life (SOHL). The youth were trained on sexual purity, abortion and media influence. Mr. Jimmy Wambua, a young man who had a poor background but after receiving support was able to focus in life and now lives a different life and is self-employed, shared about “challenges in life”. Over 100 youth from the Baptist churches in Kajiado region attended.

Jimmy Wambua Sharing his life experiences with the youth

The water well in Mile Tisa has been completed with minor finishing pending. However, the water is already solar-pumped and is being used by the community. We thank God for the contractor who agreed to complete Phase 2 of the project pending payment. The water will help the community access clean water for domestic use, irrigation and animal use. We thank Lord thus far!

Erected Water Tank

Water from tap
Clean water from tap

Water well site
Pastor Paul of Kinale reports of progress made with the support group in Thiririka. He has met a number of alcoholics and persons infected with HIV. He says the church is supporting them and visits them at their homes for ministry. Some have come to Church, and one lady has received salvation; and another old man who has quit drinking.
Kageraini Church, which is a sub hub in Kinale region, has planned for baptism this February for 5 people. Mtonyora sub hub, also under kinale has grown with many children and women, and few men. They are praying and hoping the men will come to Church to experience Jesus
Prayer Needs
The country is experiencing drought currently and many Kenyans are experiencing hunger. Reports indicate that in Turkana County , the situation is worse with people eating dogs.
House of Hope Katito Hospital has reported many casualties with diarrhea and vomiting, a sign of lack of clean water and foods.
Lets join hands and pray for the country Kenya.
Unite 4 Africa inc
Kenya Office