Ghana Updates – July 2021
“He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned..” (1 Samuel 2:9-10)
We have done half of the year 2021 and we can only say thanks to the most high God. The Lord has asked that we go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. Discipleship and disciple – making is what the Lord requires of us which will leads to the salvation of those who believe in the Gospel. Lord we ask for the leading of the Holy Spirit as we move on to make disciples.
The Timothy Initiative (TTI) TOT 1
We had a successful Training Of Trainers program for a little over twenty Church planting trainers who are expected to lead the training of at least eight hundred Church planters over the next two years. By the close of the two years we expect to see trainees plant churches across northern Ghana.
Leadership Development/DMM
The intentional leadership development begun by Samson is gaining grounds and looking very promising with regards to the initiative of seeing a Discipleship Making Movement take off. The group has a regular meeting which empowers members to implement the various movement strategies with the hope of an outburst of such in our county or district very soon.
Seeds of Hope Radio Broadcast
The Seed of Hope Broadcast is increasingly becoming a major source for building up the faith of many in Christ Jesus and an open door for unbelievers to have access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are continuously looking forward as we rely on the Holy Spirit to bring about convictions to listeners. “ I listened to a presentation on radio on fatherhood in relation to God our father and I must say that I have soul checking to do. As the message was being presented at our sitting place where we normally gather to listen to the preaching, everyone was quiet as result of the truth that was being presented” said Mr. Sualisu.
Two Days Open Air Crusade
samson was the main speaker for a two days open air crusade at the Libga community. The Gospel presentation was made passionately for the inhabitants of the communities. We are still praying for all those who were exposed to Gospel will come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Pastors and Church Leaders Seminar with IJM
It was great being part of and leading discussion at seminar where the International Justice Mission exposed their operations to Pastors and Church leaders. It was insightful taking part in the Bible Studies material dubbed “ The Justice Thread”
Prayer Needs
• Pray for the inhabitants of the Libga community who were exposed to the Gospel.
• Pray for participants in the TOT for the Timothy Initiative trainers. That the passion for Church planting and discipleship will continue to increase across Northern Ghana.
• Continue to pray for the Seed of Hope Radio Broadcast that as we engage more with the listeners Christ will be glorified.
Yours in His Vineyard
Samson Abukari – Country Director, Ghana