Ghana Updates – January 2025
It was another joyful moment when we had over 250 children from the Church community and the other surrounding communities coming over to interact and to be a part of the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
The children were so excited that they could be a part of something that is celebrated worldwide and also to be informed about the reason for Christmas as well as how they can live in order to have meaningful lives in the future.
The beauty of the day was that more than half of the children who gathered were from homes which had no Christians. They were prayed for and we trust that the Lord will continue to lead them to make decisions to follow Him as they grow.

Samson was the main speaker for the youth on the need for renewal; transforming hearts, minds and lives. It was a moment of great hope as hundreds of youths gathered to equip themselves on what it means to live a kingdom lifestyle right which is very wholistic thereby making them great ambassadors of Christ.
Transformed hearts and minds is what it takes to live and walk in the steps of Christ and to be a true witness of Christ wherever we find ourselves- be it at home, work or in the market.
They also had the time to walk through the principal streets of the city sharing with the habitants of the love God has demonstrated to everyone through Jesus Christ.

What a privilege to have Samson speak as the main speaker for the activities marking the ten years celebration of a Church that was started by the local Church that he is currently leading. Indeed, it can only be God who mysteriously visited this community and made a way for the Gospel of Christ to penetrate into that community where majority of the inhabitants have said yes to Jesus Christ.
It is a joy to see that which began very small multiplying not just in number alone in the community but has also been able to reach out to other communities with the Gospel with evidence of transformation in the lives of the people as compared to communities which have not yet embraced the amazing love offered by the Good News of Christ.

There is hope of continuity so long as we have people that are ready and willing to reproduce. The same is true when it comes to spiritual matters. We know that time spent or invested in equipping people who can take up the task of also reproducing their kind is always a delight and reassuring that the Kingdom of God will continue to triumph even in the midst of difficulties.

- Pray for the upcoming trainings for Church planters and Disciple Makers in Southern and Northern Ghana.
- Thank God for the successful completion of a program in the study of African Worldviews by Samson and the upcoming graduation.
- Thank God for the elections in Ghana and pray for all the Gospel efforts in country.
- Keep praying for the weekly Radio Broadcast to continue to impact lives
Yours in His Vineyard
Samson Abukari – Country Director, Ghana