Ghana Updates – April 2023
“Yet the Lord says, “During the forty years that I led you through the wilderness, your clothes did not wear out, nor did your sandals on your feet.” (Deuteronomy 29:5)
There some things only the Lord can do them and those things speaks volumes about who He is and His sovereignty which sometimes goes beyond human understanding. Glory to you Oh Lord.
At the retirement service of one of the Baptist Pastors, Samson was asked to give a charge to him and to Pastors who are still in active service. It was a solemn moment reminding ourselves that we are called first to Christ in order to be with Him and then we are tasked to be a part of His work force serving humanity in diverse ways.
The Goat project has been so helpful to the orphans and in some cases widows who in most cases are directly caring for these orphans. What a joy to hear from elated orphans eager to share- “I am empowered for the future because I sold one of my goats and I have been able to buy my school writing materials.” “I am glad to inform you that I was able to move to Senior High School this Academic year though the goats I was given. Thank you!” Thank you to all those who Partner with Unite 4 Africa
“I am not a Christian but because I always listen to this program and call in to contribute after the weekly teachings, most of my friends now call me a Pastor. I am not ashamed to be called a Pastor. Keep teaching and I assure that you are really going to make many more Pastors in the system.” That is a statement from one of the regular listeners to the weekly radio broadcast.
Another listener called in during one of the weekly Broadcasts and said, “Pastor I just want to encourage you to continue and don’t be weary, the program is changing lives and helping many to put on a Christ like life. I used to have certain life styles that were questionable but I am confident to say that through this radio program I am a changed person.”
These are testimonies from regular listeners of the Seed of Hope Radio Broadcast. Thanks for keeping us live on air!
Leadership is an essential thing that greatly needed in our world today especially, in the developing nations of our world. Samson has continued to offer himself to assist in training leaders who are making a difference in their communities.
Prayer Needs
• Thank God for a successful visit by the Missions Director to Ghana
• Ask God to continue to fill the weekly Radio Broadcast with the power of the Holy Spirit to bring about genuine transformation in the lives or all the listeners.
• Praise the Lord for the orphans who have previously and recently received goats that multiplication shall be seen in the goats and that it will be a source of great empowerment.
• Pray for the upcoming trainings for our quarterly Church planting and discipleship Training of Trainers program in Ghana.
Yours in His Vineyard
Samson Abukari – Country Director, Ghana