Ghana Update-June 2018
“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
What a joy to be aware of and to also walk in the peace of God and have Him sanctify you wholly. I pray that the peace of God will reach everyone and that He will preserve all His children and keep them blameless till the coming of the Risen Lord and King.
Launching of 10th Anniversary
The Ghana International Baptist Convention celebrated its tenth year. The leadership together with the members of the ministry launched the tenth anniversary celebration with singing and praises through some principal streets of Tamale to say thank you to the Lord for His mercies over the ministry. This was an outdoor celebration to let the general public know that Jesus has been faithful to the ministry for the past 10 years. To Him alone be the glory now and forever more.
Induction service
In order to consolidate discipleship, which will help members become matured followers of Christ and also continue to share their faith in and around their communities, Evangelist John Adams was inducted into office to over leadership for the Libga international Baptist Church. He is to assist them to become effective followers of Christ and to impact their community and its surrounding communities in extending Christ’s love and His saving power to those around them.
New strategy in feeding pigs
Randy, one of the interns during the 2018 CHE internship in Accra, who happens to also be raising pigs, shared some experience how to feed them healthy diet which include some fresh plants. We will be trying it out soon in this raining season in Tamale.
Pastors Conference
Samson participated in a one week International Pastors’ conference dubbed Pastors Mentoring Pastors. Speakers at the conference were from Ghana, Nigeria, Canada, UK and USA. They share their experiences with participants and challenged them to have the future in mind in doing ministry and also rethink ministry with a global mentality that will bring praise and thanks to our Lord.
Prayer Needs
- Praise God for the success of the International Board meeting of U4A.
- Praise God for the success of the Global CHE conference.
- Continue to pray for God’s visitation and revelation of the saving grace of Jesus Christ to our “neighbors” as they embark on the month long fasting.
- Continue to pray for farmers in Ghana as the rains begin the farming season that has just began.
- Continue to pray for Duko community, which has been adopted by Samson to help the believers in the community to be equipped and made examples of Christ for the rest of the community.
Yours in His Vineyard,
Samson Abukari
Country Director, Ghana