Ghana Update – June 2014
Ghana Update – June 2014 – Samson Abukari U4A Country Director, Ghana
I will return again to my place, until they acknowledge their guilt and seek my face, and in their distress earnestly seek me. (Hosea 5:15 – ESV)
With hearts full of gratitude we join all the partners and donors of U4A to give thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the gift of life and the opportunity to share our lives with those that we came into contact with in the past month.
Bridges Training @ Yagbon
We had the privilege to visit a community called Yagbon in the Western Gonja district of the Northern Region. The community is located in an area normally referred to as “overseas” which becomes difficult in terms of accessibility as a result of high water levels of a river that has to be crossed before one can get to the area.

We were able to take the Church in the Yagbon community through some Bible stories as a way of building them up in their faith as well as equipping them to be effective witnesses of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Connecting with a Life Group
The U4A team in Ghana began the process of getting connected with one of the life groups of the Pantano Christian Church. A brief bio and some photos of each of the families were sent with their prayer needs.
We look forward to our God who answers prayers to do use this bond that has begun to wonders in both countries and continents to the glory of His name.
Rev. Silas Sulemana and Family
Silas began his full time Ministry in 1992 and has been part of the Ghana Team of U4A for the past seven years.
Rev. Silas and his wife Eunice are blessed with five (5) children. Their children are Rachel (19), Seth (17), Eliezer (15), Ruben (8), and Jesse (4).
The family resides in a community known as Pong-Tamale in Northern Ghana where they Pastor the Holy Ghost Assemblies of God Church in the community.
Isaac Mahama Family
Isaac is originally from a community known as Kukuo near the Tamale airport. He is married to Abiba and they are blessed with one biological child, one adopted child and an extended family relation. Their names are Jacob Suhuyini (11), Diana (5) adopted child and Amina (7).
The family currently resides at Kataraga West a suburb of Tamale in the Sagnarigu District.
Samson Abukari’s Family
Samson is the Director of U4A of Ghana. Samson is married to Salomey and they are blessed with three kids namely Jesse Wunyurilim (8), Wuntiti Geraldine (2) and Wunimmi Gerald (2).
Aside their own children, they have four older girls residing with them at the outskirts of Tamale in an area known as Kanvile. These girls are Dorcas, Suzanna Helena and Sarah. Dorcas is currently in school and only comes home during vacation.
Passing on to Glory
Over the weekend we lost one of the young women of the Kpalgigbuni Church. Rev. Silas participated in the burial service and was the one who gave a word of encouragement to the family and the Church at large. It was a sad moment as she passed on to glory leaving behind a baby she had not yet weaned and was still nursed by her. It is our hope and prayer that the Lord will comfort the family and that he will miraculously cause the baby left behind to live to be a blessing to humanity.
We want to use this opportunity to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all the friends and partners of U4A. You are the reason for what we are able to do and may the Lord fulfil His word in Matthew 10:42 become a reality in your lives.
Praise and Thanks
♥ Give thanks to the Lord for the healing that is taken place in the life of Samson’s uncle
Prayer Needs
♥ Comfort for the Kpalgigbuni Church and the family that lost a wife and a mother.
♥ God’s provision for the orphan that the death of the young lady at Kpalgigbuni left behind.
♥ U4A team to continue to see potentials that abound to help in the work.
Yours in His Vineyard
Samson Abukari
(Country Director, Ghana)