Family Life Radio Partners with U4A – June 2012
Family Life Radio Partners with U4A
Why did Family Life Radio partner with Unite4Africa, see below to find out.
As a young missionary, Okongo Samson knew that sharing Christ in war-torn Northern Uganda and other African/Arab countries would be very risky. But his kidnapping by the brutal Lord’s Resistance Army, led by cult-leader Joseph Kony, brought him a level of pain and despair he’d never known. Faced with a life of slavery and killing, it seemed to Okongo that his life was over at age sixteen. But God had other plans. Through a literal miracle, Okongo escaped the army’s camp, traveled by foot to Julu and then taken to Uganda’s capital city then to Kisumu, Kenya. His escape was a miracle! For the past several decades, he has carried the Gospel to the most unreached nations of the world. In 2005 he founded Unite4Africa which is base in Tucson Arizona.
This past spring, Family Life Radio and Intentional Living partnered with Unite4Africa to help children brutalized by spiritual and physical deprivation in the village of Wanji Shawa, Ethiopia. This community has a population of approximately 55,000 people, of which 92% are Muslim. The rest of the village includes radical Coptic “Christians”, traditional animists, witchcraft followers, and a small contingent of Christian believers. Along with the spiritual challenges, there are many social and economic challenges the village faces; currently, eight out of every 10 girls between the ages of 13 to 19, have children out of wedlock, many of whom have abortions (often multiple abortions per year). Unite 4 Africa has worked to engage and empower local leadership to identify their needs, develop strategies and take ownership of change.
It is our hope that in partnership with Unite4Africa, we will help this Muslim community, transform spiritually, socially and economically, and Jesus Christ will become their hope.
In April Family Life Radio helped Unite4Africa build an addition to the school in Wanji Shawa, delivered Bibles and books for the 568 children, trained community leaders to disciple the people of the village, and rehabilitate teenage victims of sexual and psychological abuse. Steve Nicholas, Unite4Africa’s Executive Director lead a team from the US to the Wanji Shawa village and other communities they are working with in Ethiopia and Kenya.
We appreciate your prayers as Family Life Radio and Intentional Living reach around the world, not only through radio and internet programming, but now by helping to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people of Africa.
We are blessed to bless others.
Rod Robinson
Vice President of Development
Family Life Radio
Ministry Pictures:
WanjiShawa Children at Church School
Praying and Dedicating KFLT donated books
Steve leads team on Class construction
Some of the donated Books and Bibles
Team helping out
Steve, Pastor Moses, and Dr. Reilly
Team sorting books at the library