Ethiopia Updates – November 2023
DMM /Disciple Making Movement Training/ in Diredawa & Harar towns.
These two towns; Diredawa & Harar are close to the boarder of Somalia and Djibouti and predominantly populated by Muslims; they are very strategic locations to reach out to the horn of Africa by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
These leaders and church planters have come from over more than 10 towns in different locations of the region and attended our DMM training. They are the leading of this movement in their local churches and underground home churches.
Since leader recruitment and training is the core of all the other ministry U4A does; we prayerfully and intentionally decide the participants based on their integrity, accountability, responsibility and how they follow Jesus daily in their personal life. 25 leaders and church planters attended our three days training and coaching and it went very well.
DMM Training in Diredawa (Rev. Samson is facilitating the training)
Outreach in the Pastoralist Communities
Pastor Chachi Eshetu is one of our regional leaders in Ethiopia. He is responsible to follow up, lead and direct our movement in the south west of the country. South Omo zone is one of the districts that God has been doing tremendous things in the communities of Hamar, Mursi and Bana.
Pastor Chachi did a mission trip to this region recently to visit, train and encourage our churches and leaders there. He was so excited about the growth of the movement of church planting and disciple making.
Our church has been growing from 1 to 7 other village local churches in those nomadic communities in the past two years. He has become a witness that many lives are being transformed, leaders are being equipped and God glorified. Amen!
Our churches in Dimeka, Hamar communities
Our Church Planting Movement in the Very Challenging Areas
Babille town is one of the most challenging towns in Eastern region of Ethiopia in terms of Mission. The tension from the extremist and fundamentalist groups is so tense in the town. However, nothing and no one can stop the Gospel of Jesus Christ spreading.
Our Church in Harar Arategna area has sent a local missionary and has planted a church. Pastor Mesfin, our regional leader for Eastern Ethiopia, went there and encouraged the church and our leaders there. They were so happy and encouraged by his visit.
This local church has got a vital role to play for the mission that we have for Somalia and the Horn at large and we use it as a hub to prepare, equip and send out to workers to the harvest.
Pastor Mesfin was giving a word of encouragement to the congregation
Praise and Prayer items
The following are praise and prayer request items to pray about with us:
- Praise God for the work in the Horn of Africa and for the door He has opened for many communities in the region.
- Pray for those Nomadic communities in South Omo zone of Southern Ethiopia for their needs to be met- particularly lack of water- as it is affecting women and children in so many ways.
- Pray for our underground leaders in Djibouti, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia for protection, wisdom and strength to continue reaching out more.
- Pray for our DMM movement leaders that God would use them to impact many lives and churches across Africa.
Samson Weldemariam /Pst/
Africa & Ethiopia director of U4A