Ethiopia Update – December 2020
1. Construction of Feeding – Hall in Wonjishowa School
One of the challenges we have had in our school in Wonjishowa was that we did not have adequate place for our school children a place to eat. Our students used to eat their lunch under the tree, by sitting on the ground and dusty places.
But now we have got support from U4A partners and have started building feeding hall. The work of the construction is going on very well and will be completed early next year.
After the completion of this project 200 school children who are in KG level will be benefited. I thank God for the opportunity He has granted us to help our children. And we would also like to thank U4A board leadership and our President Rev. Okongo.
Feeding Hall for our Students in Wonjishowa School
2. Disciple – Making training for our leaders
We have started this movement of disciple – making in our country with the aim of raising disciple making leaders in every sphere of life. We have adopted the materials from our partner called J-life Africa and started giving our leaders the four modules that will help them to initiate Jesus’s way of disciple – making movement in our country and beyond.
So far we have conducted the two modules and it went very well. After they received the training they go and train more other leaders in their respective areas and religions.
Disciple – Making Training to our leaders
3. Christian Business leaders training and consultation
God has given us direction to organize a training and consultation event for our Christian business leaders in Addis Ababa the capital city of Ethiopia. We have gathered 25 Christian business leaders and church pastors for one-day training & consultation session. The topic of the consultation was “Leadership & Crises”. And we have addressed and discussed the current crises that are affecting our businesses and ministries and how can we respond to those crises Biblically and professionally.
I was one of the speakers and spoke on the issue of biblical & theological view and response to crises. All the participants were so excited and said that it was so fruitful meeting and God spoke to them that how would they can be a better leader during the crisis times.
Christian Business Leaders Training & consultation
I would like to share our prayer request with you to pray about:
• Pray for peace, stability and unity of our Country Ethiopia.
• Pray for protection and peace of mind of our leaders who are in conflict affecting regions and areas.
• Pray for our discipleship – making movement, Business leaders summit, animal and School projects so that may God would continue using to transform our communities.
Samson W. /Pst/
Vice – president of U4A and Ethiopia Director