Ethiopia Update – August 2020
1. Relief work for Covid-19 affected communities and churches
God has given us a number of partners inside and out side of the country that are partnering with us in this difficult times to be able to help our communities that are affected by Covid-19 and the restrictions from the government followed by the pandemic.
To respond to this challenge, we have come up with a relief project plan. According to our relief project plan our target churches and communities were in two regions that are Eastern Wollega and Bosset district (Nazareth/Adama/ & Welenchity area). But, we have included the southern region to be another targeted area in our relief work; because this region is also affected by locus invasion. So far we have reached 308 communities and helped more than 3,000 household beneficiaries by providing them food and other sanitary stuffs.
One of our Evangelists in Western Wollega region whom I can not mention his name for the purpose of confidentiality has four children; three girls and one boy. The last born is 3 years’ old. He and his family did not have food for more than 3 days. As His children and family were starving and suffering; our food donation Vehicle got arrived in his village. And he was so exited and thanked God for His provision. I call this food ‘Miracle food like Manna’ he said in tears; after he received the food donation.
We thank God and thank our partners all over the world who have participated in this work to help our people in this difficult time. May God Bless you abundantly as you continue serving Him faithfully.
Food donation in Adama/Nazareth/
2. Our Orphans Animal project continues
In parallel with supporting our communities with food and other sanitization system, we are also continuing helping the orphans and vulnerable Children in various communities and villages.
Last month we supported more than 15 orphans and vulnerable children in Adama/Nazareth/ area and its surrounding villages; we offered goats for orphans so that it will help them to get milk and reproduce more goats. This support has two-fold strategy which is addressing the immediate needs for relief for the child while ensuring the long-term, independent sustainability of care.
An eight-year-old girl Gelane lives in one of the villages located in Boffa area with her aunty. She lost her parents due to HIV Aids and her aunty is taking care of Gelane with her other 3 kids. Gelane has received goat and she was so exited. Goats are very important animal in her village. She said that she is expecting more goats in a few years and she is looking after it in her villages with other goats. And she is also planning to give goats to other orphans when her goat reproduces more goats.
We thank God for this project. So far, so many children have been transforming through this little gift.
Goats support for some of the Orphans in Boffa Village areas
3. Visiting our local churches that are affected by the recent violence in Ethiopia
Recently, our country was in chaos. Hundreds of people were killed and displaced by the rioters. And so many businesses, buidlings and houses were damaged in many cities of the Oromoiya region like Shashamane, Ziway and Dhera.
This unrest affected our churches as well. So, we as leaders went to those towns visited our churches and encouraged our leaders. They were so happy by our visit. We took time with them to listen to their experiences and their stories and how God protected them and their families from the evil. We encouraged them by the word of God and prayed for them together.
We thank God for their commitment to continue serving Him and His people even in difficult situation. The situation now is much better in those places after the security forces controlled those places.
Visiting our leaders and praying for them together
4. Conclusion
I would like to share our prayer requests with you:
- Please continue praying for the safety and protection of our leaders and their families during this crisis and pandemic.
- Please continue praying for the most vulnerable communities that are being affected by the impact of the Pandemic and may God would enable us to continue helping more communities and people during this challenging time.
Samson W. /Pst/
Vice – president of U4A and Ethiopia Director
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