Ethiopa Update – Sep 2013
Ethiopa Update – September 2013 – Samson Weldemariam – Country Director
God is still faithful in His promises and helping us in many ways to minster to our communities. Below is some of the things that we have accomplished in the last months.
I. Key Leaders training on strategic planning
I have conducted training on the issue of strategic planning in Nazareth town a week ago. About 15 key leaders have attended this training and it was so good. Like I said repeatedly God is moving in special way and many people are coming to Christ including from Muslims background. So, the leaders should lead this movement strategically in order to transform our community and our nation at large.
Based on that the leaders in the town come together and take this training so that they will able to plan strategically to accelerate the work of God in our region.
The training took two days and very fruitful. The leaders also had a group discussion and they have gained so many lessons from each other’s experiences.
Key Leaders training in Nazareth
II. The Lord wins many Muslims in Gurage Zone in Ethiopia.
I met one of my students named by Mohamed last week in Nazareth. I trained him 2 years ago. He went to his home town in Gurage Zone in the area called Esszaa. He shared the love of Christ with his parents, brothers and sisters and relatives. He led 13 of them to Christ and he has planted a church in that village. Currently the local church has 113 members. I am so much exited to hear this testimony from him and I am planning to go there and to visit the church in that Muslim dominate area
Left to right: Mohamed & Pastor Samson
III. Training on the Family issues in Modjo town
We have had a good time in the town Modjo conducting family conference. Pastor Tadesse and Pastor Dereje organized the training and conducted it. The aims of the conference were to restore relationships and covenant among married couples and share experiences and challenges of the family. The training took three days and discussed on various issues such as the responsibility of the couples, communication and integrity & openness.
We also gave training for singles and young people on the issue of how begin a healthy family and the sanctity of human life.
At the end of the conference we prayed, celebrated and broke the cake and had an enjoyable time.
More than 50 couples and 150 singles and youth have attended the conference.
left to right: Pastor Taddesse & his wife and Pastor Dereje & his wife cut the cut
IV. Conclusion.
God is still moving in our region tremendously. Our missionaries keep fighting the good fight in the front line in the battlefield for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The works of our projects are going well. We have conducted various training in many places by our master trainers according to our plan.
Pray for our new Brothers and Sisters in Christ who are from Muslim backgrounds. Pray for the churches in their villages that God would strengthen them in their faith. Pray that God would protect them from any potential harm that could come from their families and communities.
Thank you so much for your prayers and partnering with us in the Lord’s work.
Samson W/mariam/Pst./
Director of Unite 4 Africa, In, Ethiopia