Wonji Showa School & Training Report – June 2012
Wonji Showa School & Training Report – June 2012
The U4A team from USA took a trip to visit the Wonji-Shoa Emmanuel Church School last march. The team has observed that the school is successfully serving the community in many ways.
569 students from nursery to sixth grade are currently enrolled and almost all of them come from extremely disadvantaged homes. And 25 jobs have been created. Our future goal is to offer classes through grade 10.
More than 90 children, and many of their family members, have committed their life to Christ as a result of the ministry of the school.
The town recently gave the school an award for…
…being the best education provider for children up to grade six. They also recognized the school’s many outstanding contributions to the community.
Pastor Tegene, the Church and the school staff are doing a tremendous job in providing a quality academic and spiritual education to the youth of Wonji-Shoa. With recent contributions from many of you, we purchased Liabrry books, Bibles and balls which will help us more effectively serve a greater number of youth as well as to help ensure the future presence and success of the school.
Part of the funding is also being used to help construct and equip classrooms and to better equip the library .
There are several ways that you can partner with us in Wonji-Shoa. More funding is needed to expand and further equip the classrooms and Volunteer opportunities are available for providing training for the teachers and administration, developing programs for the students and establishing summer programs for the youth.
We provided youth counsellers traning for youth leaders , family minsters and leaders of the church from April 23-25/2012 for three days. This traning was the 1st round traning according our plan with family life radio support. 22 people attended the training. This strategy will help us to tackle one of the greatest social crises of the Wanji Showa community which is teen age pregnancy and break down of families.
Thank you for your prayers, volunteer support and financial support of this school which God is using to make a measurable and significant impact in the life of the children and the community of Wonji-Shoa.
Pastor Samson W/mariam
U4A, Ethiopia Director