Note from the Board July 2015
Note from the Board – Jim Weisert
Are we living out the Great Commandment and the Great Commission daily in our lives?
This question has been penetrating my thoughts for years now. I’m not referring to Unite4Africa because all you have to do is read the monthly newsletter articles to see that Unite4Africa lives out the Great Commandment and the Great Commission everyday in Africa. That is thanks to our partners like you, but especially because our staff and leadership on the ground in Africa is so dedicated to Christ. No, this question hits home for me, meaning; me, my church, the Christians and churches in my city – Tucson AZ and for that matter all cities and states in the United States of America.
You see I have the privilege to serve with incredible Godly men and women in Tucson AZ who serve in multiple locations around the US and the world, who live out what God commands each of us to do in scripture; care for the orphans, widows, hurting, lost, sick, etc. It’s an honor and great privilege to serve and share life with them; their lives are so filled with God’s spirit and His joy, it’s incredible to watch how God blesses the work of their hands.
That being said, what concerns me is the statement in scripture that tells us that on that day, many will come before God/Jesus and claim all that they did in His name, and yet he will tell them “I never knew you, away from me you evil doers” (Matthew 7:22-23). You see, Jesus also tells us that “I am the good shepherd, I know my sheep and my sheep know me” (John 10:14). So for me, and perhaps for each of you, I am trying to be obedient by learning and applying God’s Great Commandment and Great Commission in my life on a daily basis. But what about those “Christians” who aren’t?
If your reading this you probably know the Great Commandment; “Love the Lord with all you heart, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37). The first half of this command is easy for the mature believer, but at times even for the mature believer the second half can be tough especially when you have someone that’s hard to love around you. But God doesn’t say “Love your neighbor as yourself, unless…, so we are to be obedient at all times. Then the “Great Commission” tells us to “go and make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…”(Matthew 28:19-20). This is where my concern for the Church in the US lies. Are we, the “Church”, teaching the Great Commandment and Great Commission to our congregations, families, and friends? Consider that for a moment; now consider if we were judged by God on our efforts today, would He be pleased with our work?
Good question? Did that thought concern you? It does me. That’s why I would suggest that we all write the Great Commandment and Great Commission on our hearts. And then live them out. Here are some simple and relevant things each of us can do;
1) Take time daily to tell God that the desire of your heart is to know Him more every day for the rest of your life and to be obedient to his will and word.
2) Read the following books – Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert E Coleman and Make Disciples by Tim Bowland. These Books will expose you to the work God calls us to do during our lives on this earth, and some practical ways of living out our faith.
3) You will learn more about practical ways of living out our faith from reading those two books; mentor/disciple at least one person (of the same sex) each year for the rest of your life, teaching them everything God/Jesus has taught you through your reading of scripture and relationship with God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, what your mentor has and is teaching you, from the things those in your life group have taught you to in scripture, and from the teachings of the church you attend regularly. And teach them how to share God’s truth in grace with all those who are asking (1st Peter 3:15)
4) Finally, enroll in the 8 week online course offered by Hope University: “It’s all about Relationship.” You can audit the course or take it for credit. This course lays out one of the tools talked about in “Make Disciples”. You will learn how easy it is to share your faith with others in a non threatening way. You will also see how this is each of our roles as followers of Christ.
If we each would do just those four things this year, we could expand the work and influence of the Kingdom in our homes, cities, and states; and over time, as those we mentor/disciple do the same, we can turn our countries hard heart against God/Jesus for Him and in doing so God will heal our land/hearts/minds.
May we each live a life that lives out the Great Commandment and the Great Commission! That one day we may hear God tell us; “well done good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21).
United we can do all things through Christ Jesus! Amen!
Jim Weisert
Board Chairman